I'm an American and I know alot about the world. Being a Ph.D in International Relations will do that to you. But let me adress your question (Which I'm certain was not a serious question but an attempt to get people riled up anyway). But America is a great nation. It is very powerful and stable. When our politicians are found to be corrupt, or even child molestors, they are fired and people go on with their lives. In Thailand similar things happened and there was rioting and the government was overthrown.
2006-10-18 11:22:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You can't tar them all withthe same brush, most american i meet are all happy go lucky people, but they do have a lack of education about the world outside their own borders unless it's refugees (mexians and cubans) trying to get into their country. Give most Americans a map and they will struggle to point out countries. Many believed that the UK was russia in a recent survey of high school kids. I think a lot of America's problems lie in there unabashed patriotism. They think they are greater than every country and therefore there style of living is the correct way. Which is why the government and many of the people are against the socialist governments of venezuela, cuba and others and against the middle east. Yes I believe the war has been done under false pretences and it is entirely to get control of the natural resources offered in this area. An interesting fact is that America has never attacked a country that has a McDonalds restaurant.
Only about 2% of population have ever actually crossed into another country, still a large amount of people but not really that impressive compared to other countries. I believe Germany about 60% of the population hold a passport.
America has a great constitution, but it sometimes gets ignored, it has had some great leaders, just none in the last 25 years. It is a land where you can follow a dream and it becomes reality, but on the down side it has a high disparity between the rich and poor, a problem with racism (where doesn't?) and a shocking record on environmental issues. I like what America stands for on paper, just in action they let themselves down 9 times out of 10.
2006-10-18 11:36:36
answer #2
answered by Travellin Bry 3
Ha - sometimes I wonder that too. I get really annoyed when I see how much people my age who take our country for granted. In one of my classes last year, a student was asked where Louisiana was, and they didn't know! And over half of the population in this country don't even bother to vote! Why do these people not care about their country?!
But at the same time, don't stereotype us. There really are some of us who do care enough and recognise how lucky we are. And at the same time, we respect other countries and how they work. WE ARE NOT BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. We just want the world to enjoy the same freedoms that we do. As for the "war", we need to do a better job. And the president's OK - except half the time he can't even chew his food.
So don't think of us as freaks, because there are many Americans who still respect their country - and the world.
2006-10-19 17:03:56
answer #3
answered by *shine* 3
What is your problem with the Americans?
Rather than try to drum up personal points for slagging them off why don't you explain why you personally do not like them,perhaps you don't have any friends and by putting the yanks down think a lot of people will agree with you,and where the other person says get a life I think that just about sums it up.
For your information this site is owned and ,run by Americans,with English support,so I can not see you being on here for long with that attitude.
If it wasn't for the Americans there would not even be an Internet.
2006-10-18 10:42:52
answer #4
answered by mentor 5
Every country is known by its stereotype. Brits are known for our love of alcohol, roast dinners and conservatism - accurate? Well that answer is down to our experience, or lack thereof, which helps us to form such stereotypes / prejudices.
Americans are known for rewriting history via their films e.g. pearl harbour, which has put some noses out of joint.
America is powerful and is well aware of this as are other countries, which is why Blair tends to brown nose his American counterpart.
Americans are a different kettle of fish. Just as we have the BNP who believe in a white Britain, there are Americans who believe their country can do no wrong, regardless of the current affairs.
It is great that people believe in the country that they live in / originate from. However, it is self delusional for anyone to believe that their country is perfect - there is no such thing.
2006-10-22 00:56:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There are great people all over the world. There are ignorant people all over the world. That's why it's such a wonderful place. As an American, I try to to educate myself before I make any brash decisions about other people, no matter where they're from.
2006-10-18 09:42:57
answer #6
answered by . 3
Here we go again with the anti-American slander that is only posted to see what kind of a reaction you can get from people.
Get a life.
2006-10-18 09:43:21
answer #7
answered by Kayla 4
Americans are human beings, just the same as us, so that means we have the same faults as them.
2006-10-18 09:48:52
answer #8
answered by jimmyfish 3
a bit of both.
What I love about the USA, the constitution. It really is awsome and you can FIGHT in america, may not win, but you can fight.
the latter is also tooooooooo true.
2006-10-18 09:40:10
answer #9
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
Weird question.
2006-10-18 15:34:28
answer #10
answered by ? 3