I'm white, and I know that black girls are not limited to black guys. The previous answerer is on to something when they say that a lot of guys are intimidated by black girls because black girls generally care more about their looks than some other types of girls. As a result, there are a lot of black girls that are so pretty that they come off as 'unobtainable'. Any guy that tells you that black girls only go out with black guys is either trying to make you pity him enough to date him, or is just flat out racist.
2006-10-18 09:40:14
answer #1
answered by BOB D 1
I could give you a answer that will make everybody happy but lets be honest. In this day and age the table has turned there are a lot more black music, and T.V shows. What does this have to do with anything? Well listen to what they say on these shows and in the songs.
I watch the T.V show Girlfriends have you ever watched it? I love it and I'm not black. It's just a good show, but on some of the episodes they would make cracks about 'why that girl trying to steal all the brothers?' and things like that. If I didn't have some close black friends i may be inclined to belive all black women act this way. Not fair maybe but it's just the way people think.
2006-10-18 16:48:28
answer #2
answered by geeeezzzzeeee 3
I don't think that it is true. I have been approached by and dated (not slept with there is a difference) many different races, but I do admit that I have been asked by some non-black guys (they were white not that it matters) if I only date black guys.
2006-10-18 18:55:27
answer #3
answered by On the upside 4
Black women are very hot so some may find that intimidating. The manipulators among us just say "you only date black" to try to get you to feel guilty so you'll go out with them.
2006-10-18 16:32:53
answer #4
answered by Mark S 1
You gave this guy a great answer to him asking you out. I don't think all non-black guys think that way though. My son dated a black girl and he is white. Good Luck
2006-10-18 16:36:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They don't all think that way because I get hit on by more than just black men.
2006-10-18 17:29:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
MEN are dumb. If he were black he would have said "you don't date black men?"
Don't sweat it. Some men are good underpressure "what, am I ugly, how bout [insert date and time]" and some are lame insecure jackaninny's "do you only like Black guys?".
2006-10-18 16:37:09
answer #7
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
DAMn, do you live in LA or NY?....pakis, salvadorans, blacks...
A lot of black broads will only date the brothas regardless of how trifling they are, to prove to the world that they are pro black....
Im with you, sistas should date outside they're race
2006-10-19 18:00:22
answer #8
answered by oldstalecheeks 2
Because statistically we do. Just set the fellows straight sweetie. No biggie!
2006-10-19 04:31:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
just like you dont like people generalizing that all black girls only like dating black guys dont assume all people think that
2006-10-18 18:17:24
answer #10
answered by incubabe 6