Your teacher should be fired for telling you such lies. Modern day abortion is not like that.
Pro-choice: someone who thinks that it's a woman's decision if she wants an abortion or not.
Pro-life: someone who thinks NO ONE should be allowed to get an abortion regardless of rape, incest, whatever
2006-10-18 09:24:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Pro-Lifers are against abortion. Personally I have never had one nor have I ever considered having one, but I believe that my body is my body & it is no one else's business what I do with it when I am 18 or above & concedered an adult.
Your teacher is trying to scare you, that is the point, unfortunately the class room is NOT the place to voice your views on this subject. Your teacher should keep his or her views to herself concerning a sensitive matter such as this & NOT try forcing their views on students......
Now, my cousin's wife DID have an abortion, she had no choice. Continuing with her preganacy would have been fatal to her & the child would not have survived to full term.
The abortion was performed when she was little more than a few weeks along. The fetus was the size of a grain of rice, so there was NO cutting the baby into pieces. Late term abortions ARE against the law though......
In any case Pro-Lifer's WILL try to scare you & they make things up to be MUCH worse than MOST abortions are. This is again, a personal issue & NOBODY has the right to tell you what you can & cannot do with your own body once you have become an adult. I do NOT agree that many woman use abortions as a means of birth control, but there are I'm sure some that do, which I do NOT agree with, but if they abortions are performed as the law states, then I sillt say it is NOBODY elses bursiness IF the female is 18 or over. Just because one group says it's wrong, does NOT mean that it is. Just because one group says it's NOT wrong does not mean that it's O.K. This is a personal choice issue & nobody should have the right to FORCE their views on anyone else........
2006-10-18 10:48:50
answer #2
answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6
Whoever that BeachCraz person is is totally insane. PLEASE don't listen to anything like that. There is no poison or razor blades or anything like that.
There are two types of abortion, and neither involves pushing a baby out. One type is surgical, where they dialate your cervix slightly and use a vaccuum (the same one used for a D&C) to pull the fetus out of the womb, and the other is medical, where they give you pills that cause your uterus to contract, your cervix to open and the baby to be miscarried.
The difference between pro-choice and pro-life is that pro-life people don't believe that people should have the right to have an abortion under any circumstance. Pro-choice people believe that people should have the right to choose, and have access to safe medical care should they choose to abort.
There are many, many people who personally are pro-life (meaning that they would never have an abortion themselves) but politically are pro-choice.
Some reasons for being pro-choice even if you personally disagree with abortion are as follows
1. You think people should be able to decide what's best for them.
2. You think there are circumstances where abortion should be available, as in the case of incest, severe birth defects, rape, or the mother's health/life is at stake.
3. You don't think people should have abortions, but know that they will anyway, and you would rather see women do it safely than risk their lives getting one from a quack in an alley with a coat hanger, which is what was happening before abortion was legal, and what still happens in places where it's illegal.
For myself, I would not abort my baby unless it or my life was at stake, even if I was raped or something, but still I am adamantly pro-choice becuase of ALL the reasons I listed above.
2006-10-18 09:40:25
answer #3
answered by Emily O 3
To end a pregnancy up to eight weeks LMP (last menstrual period,) many women choose the abortion pill Mifepristone. It causes the uterus to contract and expel the tissue.
In the first trimester, which is when 99 percent of abortions occur, most physicians use vacuum aspiration, which takes less than five minutes and involves the insertion of a tube through the cervis into the uterus. Suction removes the contents of the uterus.
Your teacher is full of crap, unfortunately. Late-term abortions are almost never performed anymore, and what is inside the uterus early in a pregnancy does not resemble a fetus. There is nothing to cut up, and your teacher should get her facts straight before dispensing false information to her students.
Pro-choice means that you believe a woman has the right to choose what she does with her body. If she wants to end a pregnancy, that is her right, regardless of what you or I may believe about morality or ethics or religion. It simply isn't for anyone else to decide: that is the pro-choice standpoint.
A pro-life standpoint indicates that you do not believe it is a woman's choice to end a pregnancy, generally for philisophical or religious reasons related to the life of a fetus. The common belief is that "life" begins at conception, which means that as soon as you've become pregnant, you have a human being inside of you and it is no longer your right to choose whether that "human being" lives or dies.
Abortion is a hotly contested issue in the United States, but it is currently legal and will probably remain so.
2006-10-18 09:31:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Most places will not do an abortion after 8 weeks when the baby begins to form more rapidly. Before then they are barely more then an egg and have no organs including lungs in which to be able to survive outside the uterus. They scrape the inside of your uterus to detatch the egg and placenta and take it out. The baby is most likely already dead when it is detatched there is no chopping into pieces or cutting heads off thats ridiculous. I had a friend that had an abortion and another that lost her baby at 8 weeks and had to get everything removed through a D&C which is essentially an abortion. I'm not exactly sure how they dispose of the remains. hope that helps a little.
2006-10-18 09:55:41
answer #5
answered by sweetlilmama_21 1
I am against abortion. There are many people on both sides. Most "pro-choice" people see abortion as an alternate method of birth control. Even if that were all it is, there are so many other forms of birth control that it seems risky & somewhat lazy to me to use abortion as the preferred method. In an era of lethal STD's, most people are already using contraception in the form of condoms (which, incidentally, are shown to only be 70% effective in preventing HIV). I used to fall into this category.
The primary focus of the "pro-choice" is a woman's right to control her reproductive system. I agree with that 100% but believe that this method puts the proverbial cart before the horse. All women have numerous options to control their reproductive system - go into any pharmacy and you will find an entire aisle of condoms, spermicidal applications, etc. With a prescription, the woman can also obtain other birth control measures such as pills, patches, etc.
Most "pro-life" people believe that life begins at the moment of conception. Even those who claim that life doesn't begin until birth and point to the low success rate of "premature" births don't take into account that once the child is born it is a humanm being & killing it is murder. Even if it's only 5 months old. Even if its lungs & heart are not developed enough for it to function and live on its own. It is still protected under the law. So why is a child inside the womb a fetus and a child outside the womb a child? I unfortunately can't answer that in any intelligent manner.
In an abortion, the "doctor" uses tools to go inside the woman's uterus, cut up the baby, and then it is either flushed out or vacuumed out of the woman. It is a very graphic and very repulsive thought. Included in this are "partial birth" abortions which are available in the last trimester. In these, labor is induced so that the woman starts giving birth. As the head crowns, an incision is made in the baby's skull & its brain is sucked out by a vacuum. Then the delivery is completed - except the baby is already dead. If the baby's head comes all the way out and the doctor does this, it's called murder. But when the only part exposed is the crown of the baby's head it's called medicine.
Now that I've answered your questions (I hope satisfactorily) I would like to continue onto the other serious issue here other than murder of an unborn child. Note that most "pro-choice" people I have spoken with want to avoid this. The choice of whether or not to give birth or have an abortion belongs solely to the mother of the child and completely leaves the father out of it. I'm not going into a long spiel about absentee fathers, etc. I know that there are problems in our society since the nuclear family is no longer considered the norm but they are not germane to this discussion. Let's look at keeping the baby first. If a pregnant woman decides she wants to keep the baby and raise it, the father who contributed the sperm to create this child has no say in the matter. He is held responsible to pay the mother to help raise this child (child support). Again, I have no wish to discuss deadbeat dads, etc. or other issues that cloud the issue but have nothing to do with the core. The man has no say in whether that child is born and is help responsible for their actions. I agree with this - any man who brings a child into the world has a moral and legal obligation to raise that child and to at the very least help support it financially.
But if a pregnant woman decides she does NOT want to keep this child and would rather abort it, she doesn't even have to notify the father. And even if she does, she has no legal restrictions stopping her from having the abortion even if the father offers to raise the baby. The baby that he helped to create. He has no say in what the outcome is, but is financially responsible if the woman decides to keep this child and has nearly no legal recourse if he wants the baby but the woman doesn't. Putting aside the moral reasons for being pro-life, how can anyone not see the social implications of this?
Just something to think about. Please go to the Web site I have listed below. While it is a pro-life site, it answers all of the questions fairly. Thank you for bringing this up and I pray that you never have to face this decision. BTW - go home & thank your mom for not aborting you. Anyone born after 1973 had about a 20% chance of being "terminated" legally in a procedure, instead of living to be a person.
2006-10-18 10:00:37
answer #6
answered by byhisgrace70295 5
I knew this was gonna be a controversial question when I saw it. The procedure your teacher was talking about is 3rd trimester abortion, which I believe has since been banned. Abortion in the 1st trimester isn't like that. There is a suction method I believe.
There are many reasons for abortion. You, as a woman, should have the freedom to choose if it is right for you. If the government bans it, there will be no freedom of choice. That is pro-choice.
Anyone against abortion is pro-life. It's as easy as that.
If you are pro-choice it doesn't meant that you necessarily agree with the concept of abortion, it's just that you want the choice to be available for women to make up their own minds about it.
2006-10-18 09:44:16
answer #7
answered by apriljm76 2
Women everywhere have a choice. The choice to create a baby is a serious thing. Don't create a baby if you don't want it. If you don't take some responsibility for your actions, you are no more than a selfish child, playing a game. If you dont want to have a baby, then dont do the act. Simple as that. Some people are too selfish to realize that.
Dont you think that its funny that the same people who want the right to kill a baby, are into saving everything else from whales to sea turtles to flies. They will even try to take a human's rights away so that an animal can be saved. Shouldn't the humans have a choice as to where they build and conduct business?
Don't you think its funny that those same people who think that a mother should have the choice to abort her baby, so that she can have a better, easier life, will protest against a war that will give everyone in our country a better life. They stand FOR letting a baby die, but stand AGAINST an adult who makes the decision to fight for his country and die. Don't soldiers have choices too?
You who want to SAVE all the baby animals, and all the soldiers, but use the deluded idea of "choice" to tell a woman its OK to KILL a living being inside of her womb - you are what we call "hypocrites".
2006-10-18 09:40:40
answer #8
answered by M 2
I think George Carlin said it best "Aren't the Pro-Lifer's the people you don't want to f___ in the first place?"
All of my wife's pregnancies were planned. BUT I would NEVER force my beliefs on what someone else should do with their life.. We are happy that we weren't put in a position were we had to make a choice.
Let's destroy a life by forcing it to have a baby that was conceived thru the process of rape or incest...
If a family of 4 is expecting 1 more and they find out the mother's life is at a major risk are they better off with having a 5th and no mother or just the 4 with a mother...
All are decision YOU should be happy you will NEVER have to make if things went smooth for you... be happy with what you have and if you are against abortions, don't have one! But don't you dare to a girl that is raped by her father/step-father that she will be better off by having the child...
The one thing you need to know about Pro-Life is that they do not care about the right to life, they care about the right to give birth - cause they sure don't mind killing them later in life thru unjustified wars (in which they support)... They have no more respect for life than the people they criticize..
2006-10-18 09:46:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
pro-choice means you think it's up to the woman to choose whether or not it's right for her regardless if you would or wouldn't. Pro-life is you think no one should ever have one. I am against. Back to your first question though. There are different ways to abort a fetus. None of which are pretty and really un-nerving actually. The suction method is what your teacher may have been referring to. It's like that suction tube at the dentist office that gets the water out of your mouth and it's inserted into your uterus to suck the fetus out and yes it gets dismembered in this process. Gross? I agree! Then there are pills you can take that cause labor and delivery to occur and you pass the fetus in what seems like a mentraul cycle. Usually you can't see it cause it's too small and may resemble a blood clot. Still gross! Then there are late term abortions that induces labor and they wait til the babies head comes out and they suck the plug out of it's nose and mouth that cause the baby to breathe and then push the baby back inside to vaginal opening to sufficate. Messed up? Yep! Then some may remove part of the baby and one visit then a day or two later remove the rest. I researched this for a college paper and found how aweful these are. I really have never understood why they just don't give the baby up to a couple who would love it. I've heard rape stories and everything and it still doesn't compare to the torture that the fetus goes through to be removed. There have been many that regret doing this years after they've gone through it. I'm sure I have offended a bunch of people who've had one and am sorry for that but you did ask. Hope this helps...
2006-10-18 09:33:40
answer #10
answered by Baby girl 3
You are being misled. Most abortions are caused by taking a series of medications which cause the fertilized egg to come out, similar to a period but for the most part, more painful in ways of sickness. Others will require a blade of some sort to remove an implantation. In late term, labor is induced, but the spinal cord is severed before the baby cries.
Pro choice people are for an option to choose whether or not you want an abortion.
Pro life only want babies born.
2006-10-18 09:25:58
answer #11
answered by Anonymous