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2006-10-18 07:14:57 · 32 answers · asked by })i({ J and D's Momma })i({ 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Just so that you know I have never and will never have an abortion....I am just curious on what others think and why women do it and how they could stand to do it. Thank you.

2006-10-18 07:21:58 · update #1

32 answers

Sure, a woman can choose what to do with her body. What people forget is that she ALREADY MADE that choice when she chose to apply her body in sex with a man (and just for the record, rapes/incests/etc. account for less than 1% of abortions performed). A baby is not a choice, the baby is the RESULT of the woman's choice.

From the moment of conception, this is a new person with his or her own DNA, totally separate from that of the mother's. We all started out this way. Just because you can't see fingers/toes/etc. does not mean that this is not a person. Oh, and the heart IS beating by about eight weeks...often before a woman even knows she's pregnant! Everything about this new person...blood type, gender, looks...is already determined the moment he or she is conceived. The embryo implants on its own, connects to the woman's bloodstream for nourishment on its own, and grows on its own. This means he or she IS LIVING, and this means he or she will STOP living - meaning die - upon being aborted. This is why I'm against abortion.

2006-10-18 07:36:10 · answer #1 · answered by p.helen 2 · 1 1

I am Pro-Life with limitations. I believe that in the event that the mother's & child's life are in danger, (keeping in mind there is ALWAYS risk with pregnancy even with "advanced technology") or in the case of rape and/or incest that if deemed neccessary that it should happen. Now I, along with most people on this blog think it is absoultly sickening that people, use abortion or the abortion pill (which is now under law-suits for possibly causing deaths, blood clots, etc) for birth control on a regular basis. People with the mindset "I had willingly had unprotected sex and now I don't want to deal with the consequences, even if it means taking a life." I am not going to tell others what to do ex: "Your evil if you have an abortion." My philopshy is not religious based just morally based. If someone has an abortion, it's their choice true, BUT I don't understand how someone could willingly choose to end a life that hasn't had a chance to live because they didn't want to be responsible and deal with the consquences of their actions. I couldn't live with myself. What I ask to pro-lifers is, when is something "alive", when it's out of the womb. Or when it can breathe or see or move or feel or when it's heart beats (all while in the mother's womb), or when it can cry it's little helpless tiny cry? I was a "unexpected surpise" when she found out when I was 6 months along, my mother didn't think she could have anymore since she had a miscarriage and was going through early menopause and she is pro-choice but she never considered aborting me even though she knew she had no man, a 18yr old daughter and (at the time) a 11mon old grandchild to take care of. I grew up loved and wanted. I realize not everyone is so lucky. My mother wanted to adopt more children since I was four (1992), she had her tubes tied when I was 2 and she said she regrets it, but they told her she was "too old" to adopt, she was only 41 and in perfect health but divorced/single.

2006-10-18 07:41:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've always been pro-choice. I DO believe that people should be responsible and take precautions when it comes to sex. However, there are people who make "mistakes" or have accidents where the birth control they use does not work. Forcing the person to have the child should not be their "punishment." It's just going to add one more child to the world who is unwanted. I've always thought it's better for the person to want to have the child and know they can and want to take care of him/her rather than forced to have a child they know they cannot support. There is the option of adoption, of course, but putting a child up for adoption isn't the way to solve the problem.

Children who are kept but weren't planned or really wanted are likely to be mistreated by their parents. They can face neglect or abuse because their parents aren't prepared to deal with the responsibility of raising a child.

Not only can a child be neglected, but the child will also automatically be attached to the mother. The father can leave, just saying "Well, I didn't want to have the kid, and I wasn't the one who gave birth, so I don't really need to help out." leaving the mother to take care of the child independently.

Aside from youths getting pregnant, there are also adults who are ready to have children, but discover their child will have a serious disability or fatal disease, like AIDs. Some situations wouldn't permit the child to lead a normal, pain-free life, and parents in that case, should also have the choice to decide if they want their child to be born with this burden. To me, it's almost like the child isn't even given a fair chance to live life. The choice to have an abortion in these cases, is hard for the parents, but knowing that the child will have a definite expiration date before he/she is even born can be even more sad and painful than having the abortion.

There are also people who become pregnant through rape. Although the chance of pregnancy through rape are slim, it still is possible. I don't think it would really make anyone feel good to know that they were forced to have a child with a person who raped them. It can also be traumatizing for the child to know that he/she was born only because the mother was raped and was forced to have the baby.

My main issue, however, is that children should be wanted. No child would want to know, "I had sex and got pregnant. I really didn't mean to have a child or want to have a child, but I didn't have a choice, so that's why you're here." People involved in sex should use caution, but there are moments of stupidity, or accidents which are inevitable with society. If a person becomes pregnant and really does not and cannot deal with giving birth and taking care of the child, then they should have the option to have an abortion.

2006-10-18 07:42:42 · answer #3 · answered by can_u_still_feel_the_butterflies 3 · 1 0

Abortion is a medical procedure and should only be used in medical circumstances as determined by a medical professional.

Unless you are a medical professional, you do not have the necessary medical training to make such a decision.

Pregnancy is a direct result of sexual relations. If you are old enough to be responsible enough to have sex, and pregnancy results, you should be old enough and responsible enough to deal with that consequence of your action. Having an abortion because of irresponsibility is wrong. It should not be available to just any one, since, as stated earlier in my response, it is a medical procedure. You can't walk in to the doctor's office and demand open heart surgery just because you want a new one--you should not be allowed to walk into a doctor's office and demand an abortion to "fix a mistake".

If you don't want to get pregnant, use birth control. Or don't have sex. Abortion is quite literally the ending of a life. Murder. And anyone who has an abortion has to deal with that, every day, for the rest of their lives. And there are only a handful of women out there who will tell you it doesn't matter. Most who have had abortions will tell you that the baby they aborted is on their minds, and in their hearts, every day, like a sore that won't heal.

Abortion is necessary when the medical conditions dictate. And accidentally getting pregnant is not an acceptable medical condition.

2006-10-18 07:31:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

In my opinion abortion is so wrong. The very second that you conceive, that child's genetics are determined, what color his/her hair will be, how tall he/she will grow, the color of his/her eyes, all of it. It may take a few days before a heart starts to beat, but nevertheless, that's a baby you are baby growing inside you. A lot of people say that it is acceptable if the mother was not ready to have the baby, but if that's the case, than the parents should either not have sex, or use measures to prevent pregnancy. You can't act like an adult, have sex and then get pregnant and say "oops!" I didn't mean for that to happen, and then go and kill him/her. It is so wrong and I can't believe we live in a society that thinks that killing a child is OK as long as it's still inside the mothers womb, helpless and totally dependent on his/her mother and father to protect him/her, but if a person is irresponsible enough to have an abortion than God will take care of that little unwanted baby.

2006-10-18 07:35:12 · answer #5 · answered by Ash 3 · 1 1

i am pro choice. I truly believe that it is a woman's right to chose what happens to her body. I don't think abortion should be used as a method of birth control but if it is medically necessary, the woman is raped or is using birth control correctly and they still get pregnant that abortion is their for those reasons, I got pregnant while on the pill which i took faithfully every morning, i got pregnant just a few weeks after i got married and chose to have an abortion. That was 5 years ago and I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't have an abortion. If it was a perfect world then no one would ever have to consider abortion but since it isn't it is their for woman/girls that need the service but I don't like when it is abused and used as a form of birth control.

I know have a three year old daughter, and though i think about it sometimes I still know that when I had my abortion it was the best thing I could have done. It was probably the hardest thing I ever did but my husband was very supportive. If this is something you are facing and would like to talk about it you can email me anytime, my101201cutiepie@yahoo.com

2006-10-18 07:22:43 · answer #6 · answered by my101201cutiepie 3 · 4 2

Pro-choice woman here.

Mostly I don't want to have the government tell me what I can or can't do with my own body. I think about what's going on in countries that are more populated than ours and hope that we never get to the point where the government tells me that I would HAVE to abort my baby. That is the reason I'm pro-choice, because at this time it is my choice if I have my baby or not.

Enjoy your day. :)

2006-10-18 07:26:43 · answer #7 · answered by SmileyGirl 4 · 1 0

don't think you will like my answer but here goes. i believe that a woman should be able to abort a pregnancy if she so chooses. i understand that there is other options like taking responsibility and being a mother and adoption. but what if the woman was raped or 13 or 14. there are so many people who are against them and i do not understand why. people amaze me so much. do you know how hard it is to have a baby taken from you when it is born., after it has been growing inside of you? feeling it move around and hearing the heartbeat for the first time, just everything that goes along with the pregnancy. it would be and is heartwrenching to have that done to you. i know. whatever the circumstances are it is her right to do whatever she wants with her body. and just for the record it is wrong to have sex and get pregnant repeatedly and have an abortion every time you get pregnant. it isn't even a baby, there is no heart beat, there are no lungs, eyes, fingers, toes, movements, NOTHING!!! why do you think you have to have it done before you are 3 months pregnant. hell you can't even tell what the sex of the baby is. i am done now i hate to get worked up about this but i am and need to calm down. it is just the womans choice plain and simple and NOBODY should judge her for what she does with her body.....holly

2006-10-18 07:24:26 · answer #8 · answered by Holly D 3 · 2 3

my personal feelings are...
it should never be used as the birth control option.
but as an emergency measure.
its a personal and religious choice which should never be dictated by any one set of religious theories..
unwanted children are a plenty and we don't need more and they don't need the hell.
after the fetus can live on its own its too late to abort unless life of both is truly at risk.
But while the bible says at the moment of birth they get a soul from the hall of souls and if don't get born the waiting soul goes to another..science says its sooner and is not able to prove anything about the souls.

2006-10-18 07:32:04 · answer #9 · answered by macdoodle 5 · 0 0

My opinion of abortion is that it is wrong. From the moment of conception...the so called "fetus" is an individual person and should not be harmed. If someone doesn't want the baby, they could give him/her up for adoption. But abortion is wrong and I have met women who to this day regret having one. The Bible says
Psalm 139: 13-14 "For you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
and Exodus 20: 13 says "You shall not murder." I am saddened at how people nowadays think of it. I mean...the whole "women have the right to choose" thing is not consistent...what about the baby's right? the baby matters. this is a good site for more info:

2006-10-18 07:21:40 · answer #10 · answered by jesus-lives! 2 · 2 2

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