If he has done it once.. he will do it again. I speak from experience as I was the ex that was cheating with an old boyfriend and as long as I let him come around he did. He did have a girlfriend but I was single. Your dreams are telling you something. Pay attention.
2006-10-18 06:10:11
answer #1
answered by mayihelpyou 5
U can believe (or say u believe) woteva u want, but if u don't trust him (& it's pretty obvious that u don't), then the relationship is a non starter. Do u think that she's that special 2 him that she'd b the only 1 2 draw him away from u? If no, then it'll b another girl in the future (sorry), & if yes, then u'll always play 2nd fiddle 2 her (emotionally). I'm really sorry 2 b sayin this, & u obviously know him better than any1 here, but going on the information u've given, I'd say get rid. Oh, & cut up his clothes etc etc.
My ex cheated on me, & I stupidly asked 4 details. Worst thing I could've done, cos I had nightmares 4 ages after. REALLY graphic 1s. In a way, I was lucky, cos I was in bed wiv him (fool that I was) & could wake him up, like, 3 times a night, talk it over, & eventually the nightmares stopped. But the relationship never recovered, so leave now before u suffer anymore heartache.
Good luck findin another guy. x
2006-10-18 06:13:30
answer #2
answered by viv friend 2
My new 'bo' is a psychiatrist. I can say already....TALK TO SOMEONE. Even if it's just a friend or family member. If that doesn't work, try a professional.
There are also books on dreams, meanings of them and how to rid of them.
I hope one of the above works for you!
2006-10-18 06:04:13
answer #3
answered by Q... 1