I think there are absolutely no good points about smoking. It's a filthy, noxious, poisonous habit that should have been stomped out many years ago. Why any sane person would want to suck poisonous hot gases into their lungs is beyond me. It certainly doesn't make anyone look *cool*. Ick.
2006-10-18 06:09:07
answer #1
answered by Mama Otter 7
I don't differenciate.
Anyone who pays for the right to submit themselves to cancer, emphasema, bad breath, wrinkles, a wracking cough, a stench that won't go away, higher-than-neccessary insurance policies, yellow teeth and other equally fun stuff is an idiot.
There was a study (but I don't know where to find it, I saw it on CNN a few months ago) that for the first time, there are more female smokers than male smokers, so you are right about more women than men smoke.
I don't really think women are "more sensible" in most circumstances. In fact, because women have a tendancy to think with emotions and intuition more than their male counterparts (generally speaking), I think in a lot of situations men are the more "sensible" of the genders. I know for a fact that in a lot of instances, my husband is more sensible than I am, because he's better at looking at things objectively. The "silly" things he does are not about things like smoking (he doesn't, though), but like multitasking, taking care of the kids, cooking, etc.
2006-10-18 07:00:16
answer #2
answered by CrazyChick 7
depends where you live. Also, maybe it just *seems* like more women are smoking, because you're not expecting it and therefore notice it more.
And even if the average woman is more sensible than the average man, it doesn't mean that ALL women are sensible.
Does anyone smoke because they think it is a smart idea? I think most people do it to seem cool, or because it's normal behavior for everyone they know, or because it calms them... and then they get addicted and can't stop, and end up ruining their health on an expensive and smelly addiction. (Makes me soooo glad I never started!) ;)
2006-10-18 05:57:16
answer #3
answered by teresathegreat 7
I started smoking when I was 16 !! Cool heh ?! I smoked for 40 years. Cool heh ?! My best friend whom I have known since we both were 15 also started smoking when he was 16. Cool heh ?! Now he contracted throat cancer due to smoking. He cannot speak and will probably lose his vocal cords and therefore his voice altogether. Cool heh ?! I snoked 20 a day for 30 years but I stopped smoking July 7 2005. I feel better, smell better, taste better, enjoy better sex, and hopefully will live to a much older age then my best friend..COOL, HEH ? YES ! People don't seem to realize that smokers are FILTERING smoke of a burning plant with their lungs. How can we possibly survive doing that ?! The worst thing is that smoking hinders, affects our sex drive. Is that cool ?!
Finally, hands up all guys who have kissed a girl who smokes ? I have. Not very appetising.
2006-10-18 09:20:19
answer #4
answered by RED-CHROME 6
Nothing good comes from smoking. I have been smoking for a couple of years now. My skin is not wrinkled, i dont have yellow hair or yellow teeth i dont cough but that is not the point. Once you start smoking it is very very difficult to stop. I know i have tried, i would not advise any kid or adult to start smoking. It may look sexy in movies but the results are you smell of smoke and no amount of perfume can cover it.
2006-10-18 05:52:35
answer #5
answered by Duisend-poot 7
could undermine this argument by saying all you self righteous woman who drive 4*4 cars polluting the atmosphere more than me on the school run have a point but being stigmatised for smoking is no joke and believe me your time is coming as to more females than men smoking men have never had it so good females seem to be doing more than men these days but we always were better at Multi tasking
2006-10-19 14:40:31
answer #6
answered by bobonumpty 6
There are no good points but once anyone starts they become addicted. A woman i know met another woman i know recently whom she had never met before. She did not know her age but when i asked her guessed she was about 53. She has just turned 40, but because she drinks and smokes so much she has wrecked her skin..... and no doubt her future health.
2006-10-18 05:57:57
answer #7
answered by Caroline 5
I am 31, been a smoker since I was 14, just quit 2 months ago...I was addicted not trying to impress anyone or be cool or smart, just needed my fix...ofcourse, I had to work to get into the habit, but at 14 being stupid is almost second nature.......
2006-10-18 05:56:43
answer #8
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
because smoking makes you have less of an apetite but they want be skinny so they dont think about the fact that they might have cancer or a heart attack, i dont smoke I thnk its stupid
2006-10-21 09:32:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Good points of smoking. It smells, you smell, you have horrible teeth and finger tips, it costs you a bomb and you really don't look cool when you smoke. Oh and it causes cancer. So erm...no they're are none!
2006-10-18 06:39:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous