I do believe. I was born in NY and live now in California and have been many places in the world. I have seen ghosts with my own eyes. I work now in a hospital that is known to be haunted by the night staff nurses, and i know of another local hospital that had to close one entire ward because the staff there refused to work on the unit anymore......due to ghost activity.
We are partly electrical beings. Energy. Energy cannot be destroyed - -only converted to some other form. When we die I believe that energy may leave a certain residue behind....an imprint of our existence.
Yes I believe.
2006-10-18 06:18:59
answer #1
answered by ? 2
Yes I do because I have seen and heard Ghost - Spirts all my life
one night while spending the night at my friends house I was sleeping on the couch I woke up having to use the bathroom really bad so I rolled over to get up off the couch and right there in my face was a ghost inches from my nose i don't move then i just rolled back over decidceding that the bathroom was not that important telling my self over and over again that it was just a dream the next day I told my friend about it and I was told that this is was not the first time that this ghost has done this to some one.
blessed be
white wizard
2006-10-18 16:27:13
answer #2
answered by white_wizard07 1
Ghost are very real how do I explain them would take up a lot of space and a lot of time. As for Ghouls Well that just another name for demons and they are also fallen angels..... Also too many people have had experience both and I just can't write them all off as victims being expose to swamp gas. Also my own experience of seeing Ghosts allows me to be a big beliver of close encounters in a paranormal kind................. And my own encounters was a frightening event in my life and very real.........
2006-10-18 16:50:41
answer #3
answered by kilroymaster 7
I am an Asian, (Indian ) and I've heard of plenty of ghost stories, apparently 3 generations of my family , living in the village , have had some sort of experience with ghosts
When I was 13 I had one too on a visit to my village, so ya I do believe in them
2006-10-18 13:01:49
answer #4
answered by virgodoll 4
I no believe in ghosts, never before i have any experiences with them, although many people do. Ghouls i don't think exist, because it were characters in some novels of arabian world. only created by literature.
2006-10-18 13:54:04
answer #5
answered by dsv_carlinhos 3
Im not Asian, but I do believe in ghosts, I had two experiences with them. That being said, the majority of ghost stories you hear are probably false.
2006-10-18 12:51:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I've heard many people "see" ghosts but no one can ever seem to get it on film. I've met many christians who believe in ghosts, yet their bible tells them that it can't be, its a spirit or demon. I've had times that I was spooked, I've had times that I thought I saw something I didn't but thats just how our minds work.
No, I don't believe in ghosts or any other dead thing existing.
2006-10-18 14:17:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe. Just look at all the evidence showing ghosts and things like that.
2006-10-18 12:59:03
answer #8
answered by star23grace 2
I believe in ghosts and ghouls (I'm not Asian) because I figure if angels exist, why not ghosts and gouls and whatnot?
2006-10-18 12:55:41
answer #9
answered by Bear 5
I am not Asian, but i beleive in ghosts because I have seen a couple.
2006-10-18 18:55:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous