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Whatever...We no longer have the right to trials, we can now be tortured, we're going to bulid an iron curtain across the Mexican border, the last two elections were stolen, and a new one is on the way, cameras are being placed in every conceivable location, now they want to log everything that we do on the internet, I am sure I am forgetting something, oh, we're responsible for the deaths of over 655,000 people. Whatever, none of it has really effected me... That's how we're susposed to feel right? It's not on TV and the stock market just hit 12,000 so what does anyone care? Just ignore it and enjoy the prosperity, you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to hide, slowly ease yourself into the brave new world.

2006-10-18 05:23:32 · 14 answers · asked by josephmarzen 1 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

The people will be complacent until it affects them. They don't see the big picture just what the little show is for now.

This is how management even in the smallest of businesses get over on their people and destroy unions. They introduce things a little at a time and convince you this will be good for you while they are slowly chipping away at your union rights. The next thing you know the union has no power and cannot fight any longer against city hall.

What is going on here is at a bigger scale and the general public does not see what is going on. Shame on them.

2006-10-18 05:28:19 · answer #1 · answered by Gettin_by 3 · 2 2

1. Our rights to due process remain intact. Nothing invalidates this. The military tribunal law only applies to alien combatants, § 948b (a).
[ http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109_cong_bills&docid=f:s3930enr.txt.pdf ]
2. We cannot be tortured. Torture is also not allowed in the military tribunal law. Aggressive interrogation techniques are allowed against illegal combatant prisoners, but that is NOT torture, and it is only applicable to alien illegal combatants.

3. Iron Curtain? No laws to prevent current or future LEGAL travel between US and Mexico. Comparing it to the communist oppression imprisonment of its population is absurd.

4. "Stolen" elections. Never proven, not factually supported. Both the 2000 and 2004 elections were legal and legitimate. I read the laughable Rolling Stone article and read its sources, which did NOT support the conclusion.

5. Cameras being placed in public. Yes, well, what of it? Legally, do you really think you have some legitimate expectation of privacy in a public place? The Supreme Court has ruled you don't.

6. Internet service providers already must keep your records for 90 days. The FBI is seeking to increase that. They also want domain name registrars and search engines to maintain records. This will be debated after Congress reconvenes, undoubtedly. The Supreme Court ruled decades ago regarding phone records that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy when a 3rd party holds your records; these records are no different.

7. This mythical 655,000 dead figure is not based on any reasonable facts. It is completely bogus. The number of people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since we invaded is considerably under 100,000. And most of the deaths in Iraq are caused by the Sunni insurgents, the foreign terrorists, and now, the Shiite death squads (in retaliation against the Sunnis). Either prove this bogus figure, or stop using it. [ http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ ]

8. Do not accept the biased viewpoint of any single side. Do not accept any numbers or figures or conclusions without checking the data first. Demand to see the source for any number claimed.

2006-10-18 06:01:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Let's not forget that when the democrats take control of Congress again, the issue of national health care will resurface. Once socialized, who's to say what kind of health care we will get? Probably worse than what we have now. Do YOU trust the government with your health? Do they really understand the nuances of your problems? NO! I can just hear it now, "Well sir, you need an angioplasty but we looked into your grocery store club card records and you have eaten too much meat and margarine to be considered for this procedure". Wouldn't that be wonderful?
It doesn't matter which party is in power-- it's all headed the same way anyhow- no matter what we do! It's the $$$$$$.
Have a great day!!!

2006-10-18 05:50:01 · answer #3 · answered by Coo coo achoo 6 · 1 0

Do you have any suggestions or are you a typical left winger that only complains. Should we spend our tax money to provide attorneys and trials for terriost? Should we just let anyone that wants to cross our borders in? If my car broke down in a high crime area, I would rather have a camera on me then not. If monitoring my internet usuage is something I must allow in order to prevent child molesters and terrorist from harming my children then I say monitor away. Freedom isnt free.

2006-10-18 05:35:49 · answer #4 · answered by Allinwiththenuts 4 · 1 1

Sounds like you are ready for a move to Canada......can we help pack your bags?

No US citizens are being denied a right to trial or being tortured. We have the right to our border sovereignty. Do you also object to China building their fence along the N. Korea border.??

Would you prefer your daughter or mother be require to wear a burka and you forced to pray on your knees 6 times a day or get your head cut off.

2006-10-18 05:31:51 · answer #5 · answered by missourim43 6 · 2 0

I understand how you feel, yet most are not being this honest.
We do narrowly inflict upon a blue, white and green organism. Claim it as ours alone. Most do fail to commune, and call it religion. Most do fail to balance and call it, commerce, Most do fail to relate and call it government. Collectively we fail to adapt and call it civilization.
Our currency renders little value. If intervention and evaluation were to attend today, there would be no council to turn to or seek postponement. No regime, icon, or tradition to claim upon, defer to, or blame. Our rendering determines.
The facts are. Almost none of us, actively balance, and adapt within natural flow. Almost none commonly and communally attend good measure and fare share, in relationship to and within whole sum ness. We act as if it is mystical or set apart.
Comprehend this. Vertical integration, is of negative value unless horizontally or exponentially considerate, but most of us can't seem to get our head around that.
Our species and most within, fail to heed universal conscientiousness, as if having little or no accountability. Do unto all other as you would have done to you, occurred to us. Yet most, do, on to other, before they, do, on to them.
Communal orientation, though not beyond our ability to grasp is demonstrated beyond our intention.
Our earthly trappings are in no way a brave or new world as continuous destructiveness is lain waste.

2006-10-18 06:00:45 · answer #6 · answered by richardnattress 2 · 0 1

Just another loser. Switch to the sugar-free Kool Aid will ya? Oh Yeah, you'd better put the tinfoil back on your head so the voices will quit telling you to cut yourself.

2006-10-18 05:26:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

THIS is to be the "brave new world" for ordinary U.S. citizens. Get ready for THIS!...

2006-10-18 05:56:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

sounds great to me Terrorist should be treated like that and not defended by ignorant libs

2006-10-18 05:28:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

our tax dollars at work!

2006-10-18 05:25:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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