lol Another Law and Order question. Last night on the show, the DA charged an attorney with...I think an accomplice to murder because his client told him where the bodies of the people he killed were, and the lawyer went and saw the bodies. The DA found out about the actions of the Defense lawyer, and decided to try him, because he would not tell where the bodies where, in order to protect his attorney-client privelege. All the Defense lawyer had to do was tell them, and the charges would be dropped. His client had already been sentenced to death, so the DA felt that in this matter, attorney-client privelege could be overlooked. The lawyer still refused, and was sentenced as guilty. Okay, my question's are...#1. Even if your client admits to you that they committed the murder, do you still defend them? #2. If the client tells a lawyer where the bodies are, should the lawyers go and see for themselves? #3. Could this scenario have happened in real life?
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