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i'm 22, got cut when i was 21 3 mos + ago. my mom obviously knows i am/was uncut, and i know i was born premie so thats why i wasnt circumcised as a baby. but i never asked and she never told why i wasnt when i got healthier, like 3mos, 6mos, a year old, etc. i am curious as to why she never had me done. we're christians, and back in my birth year 1984 werent most guys cut? like just about 100%? lol. i'm just very very embarassed about asking her bc we never talked about that stuff. and should i tell her i just got circumcised 3mos ago? my dad isnt around so i cant ask him/tell him. he is circ'd though. even weirder that i never was. what do you think she'll say to me getting cut? will she care at all? her insurance covered it so im surprised she hasnt found out through the insurance yet. do you think she will eventually? do insurance co. have to tell the insurance holder about all procedures covered? even if done on an adult ie, it should be private like the nruse told me?

2006-10-18 05:07:51 · 13 answers · asked by Timothy 1 in Health Women's Health

yeah i guess it probably wouldnt be as bad as i think. anyway though how would she find out by seeing it? i mean obviously if she saw it she'd know, but if she see it would it be for any longer than a sec and thus would she even pay enough attention to see im circumcised? and when would there be a situation that she would see it? and only people who know are the doctor nurses insurance and m gf.

2006-10-18 05:39:28 · update #1

oh, and yes im glad i did it...much better and cleaner..no it didnt hurt at all. i had a local out patient, i didnt even need pain meds.

2006-10-18 05:40:24 · update #2

Roxy, if she's def gonna find out through insurance eventually then I agree Id rather she find out through me. But what are the chances of insurance telling her? Wouldnt they have by now? I mean its been 3mos..

2006-10-18 05:47:50 · update #3

13 answers

If she asks you about it, sure...go ahead and tell her casually.

I don't think she will care when you tell her that it didn't hurt.

Really, it's not that big of a deal. There's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.

2006-10-18 09:47:41 · answer #1 · answered by Saura 3 · 0 0

Being a Christian now has nothing to do with it. Sure it was done in biblical times for religious reasons. Then it just became a tradition, a habit if you will. I personally had my son cirucumcised because of cleanliness purposes and because a son should look like his father as far as that area is concerned. As for telling your mom, she will get a statement for the procedure regarding what insurance paid for. She will find out eventually. More than likely she already knows and is waiting for you to tell her. I think she figures if you want her to know that you would tell her. Dont MAKE it a big deal and it will not be. It was hard to see my son in pain after the circ, maybe after you were older and more stable from being a preemie, she could not bring herself to put you through more pain, and instead decided to leave it p to you.

And how in the world are you still on her insurance if you are 22?? You must be attending colledge.

2006-10-18 12:57:16 · answer #2 · answered by Amber L 3 · 2 0

I think you should relax a little. Take a deep breath and think about it. I think you should tell your mom because if you did not want to you would not even worry about asking the question. Now you should just step back and figure out how to approach the subject. She is an adult and so are you. If you choose not to tell her that is truely your bussiness. Not required info.

2006-10-18 12:15:01 · answer #3 · answered by Jax 2 · 1 0

Circumcision is not usually done routinely these days, there has to be a reason for it being done, either medical or religious. If you chose to have it done as an adult then its your business, tell your mum if you want to but if you dont want to then its no big deal. Mind you, as she's paying for it I think you have a bit of a cheek that she wasn't informed!!

2006-10-18 12:15:38 · answer #4 · answered by huggz 7 · 0 0

Maybe your mother felt that the choice should be yours when you got older. If i were you i would just come clean about it, your Mom might find it strange if the insurance company do tell her, I'm sure she'd prefer to think that you could come to her about anything, no matter how embarrassing you may find it. Good Luck

2006-10-18 12:23:49 · answer #5 · answered by Dancing Queen 3 · 2 0

Seriously, as a 22 year man, the less your mother knows about your penis the better. She probably couldn't care less that you got cut anyways. If it was three months ago and her insurance covered she proably already knows.

2006-10-18 16:51:40 · answer #6 · answered by Melissa H 1 · 0 0

I think if you just tell her and talk to her about it, she will appreciate it more than accidentally finding out (either by seeing you or from someone else). I'm sure she will explain why she decided as she did as well. Mom's are kinda cool that way.

2006-10-18 12:12:22 · answer #7 · answered by Bex 3 · 0 0

What's the big deal? As for 100% cut in 1984...you're way way out. It's your willy,not your mom's...so why do you feel the need to tell her?

2006-10-18 12:14:18 · answer #8 · answered by Taylor29 7 · 1 0

u should tell mummy.u should coz seriously it aint anything to hide,not with mom.make it known to her that what u did was a good thing coz circumcising is a very healthy thing to do and hygienic too.so tell ur mum u are living a very clean life and it frees u from all itch and some infections,and she done a good deed coz u did it thru her insurance,she'll nag for a few days,buy hey,its a few days.

2006-10-18 12:15:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It appears important that you tell her...so talk to her...It is not so bad. What we make up in our imagination re: talks is usually worse than the real convo...Good luck....

You glad you did???I hear it hurts as an adult....

2006-10-18 12:13:52 · answer #10 · answered by Lily K 1 · 0 0

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