I am just curious, I do not need long explanations on why you will vote for whom in 2008! I just want to know why you will vote that way. I will say this, I tend to go with the Republican. They usually seem to have my interests in mind! They stick to the more important issues, and do not usually (as a whole) point a lot of fingers on who done what. But I have voted for others before. Just curious to get everyones thoughts on why they vote for whom. Again please no bashing of any sort, that goes for everyone please.
10 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
When I say I usually vote Republican, I mean issues like abortion, gay marriage, and other things that I feel are important. I am against Abortion ( unless the birth will kill the woman ) and against Gay marriage becuase that is what the Bible teaches us. So usually that is why I go that way. I did not Vote in the last election however, becuase I did not feel comfortable with the front runners. The last time I voted was a very long time ago. I vote according to the way my God tells me I should.
05:08:59 ·
update #1
I vote for the person with the highest moral standards and integrity. I vote for the person whose record most closely matches the way I feel about issues. I don't care what their party affiliation is.
2006-10-18 04:56:56
answer #1
answered by Answergirl 5
I am registered as a Republican, but I tend to vote for whoever I think is going to do the best in office at the time and place of the world and what is going on. Right now it is a toss up, we still have 2 long years before 2008 and no political candidates definately up yet for election for President so I don't know how i'll vote yet.
2006-10-18 11:57:30
answer #2
answered by aloneinga 5
I vote for whomever it is that I feel is tackling issues with a degree of ethics...which I understand is a misnomer in politics.
The one rule I have is this : if you do nothing but trash-talk people in debates instead of stating what you would do....then I instantly dismiss you.
I voted Republican last time, and that's ONLY because I'm a business owner and Republicans are for business owners.
I voted for my wallet, not for Bush.
Next time through, after seeing what travesties the Republican administration has done to our national economy amongst other things...who knows. All I do know is that the Republicans better get someone with a brain and some legitimate political skills if they want a vote.
2006-10-18 12:12:07
answer #3
answered by Manji 4
You say, "...I tend to go with the Republican. They usually seem to have my interests in mind! They stick to the more important issues,..."
That's rather vague. What important issues?
My voting always leans toward Liberties and Freedom. I do the best I can, at the polls, to vote in candidates that will insure these two principles remain intact.
2006-10-18 12:04:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I vote Independent. because all the others are way off of what I consider to be American
2006-10-18 11:55:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't even bother voting, because I know that THIS secret and evil group has been in control of everything for far too long!...
2006-10-18 13:02:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Money and security as in Switzerland. A balanced budget, security ( defensive type), and no dead soldiers. Just like Switzerland gives to it's citizens. We have the people who can do it but the voters are just too stupid to elect them.
2006-10-18 11:59:46
answer #7
answered by Billy M 4
None personal issues.
2006-10-18 11:56:17
answer #8
answered by edubya 5
Screw voting for anybody. All politicans to me are evil their only want to get in office for power, for stature, for money.Its all about them. They will say what they have to so they can get in office then once their in office they can do whatever they want. Just my opinion.
2006-10-18 11:57:21
answer #9
answered by . 6
I don't vote.
2006-10-18 11:54:48
answer #10
answered by Celebrity girl 7