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He is connected to bush senior in arms trading and drug smuggling and this is why he and bush senior are such close pals these days .

2006-10-18 02:48:02 · 13 answers · asked by playtoofast 6 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

Billy-Boy was the drug smuggler (and his BJ queen smuggled cocaine into the White House for him when she came to perform on him.)

ABC News "PrimeTime Live," on July 8, 1998 reported on Rodney Matthews, a pot smuggler turned informant, who became an informant for the U.S. Customs Service and was allowed to legally smuggle billions of dollars of cocaine into America.

The Clinton Administration allowed the Sentencing Commission to reduce sentences for federal drug trafficking crimes. In addition to ignoring the country's worsening drug problems, Bill Clinton has a record of appointing soft-on-crime judges and U.S. attorneys. For example, the Los Angeles Times revealed that one Clinton appointee, U.S. Attorney Alan Bersin of San Diego, has allowed suspected drug smugglers to escape prosecution for their crimes and return to Mexico -- free to smuggle drugs again. Government figures show that since 1994, Bersin's program has released more than 1,000 smugglers without prosecution, some found smuggling as much as 37,000 Quaalude tablets, 158 pounds of cocaine and 32 pounds of methamphetamines.

His appointed Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders, suggested studying the legalization of drugs. After her son was sentenced to prison for 10 years for selling cocaine, she remarked, "I don't feel that was a crime."

Attorney General, Janet Reno, proposed reductions in the mandatory minimum sentences for drug trafficking and other drug-related federal crimes.

Instead of drugs being a priority, Attorney General, Janet Reno, made her "top priority" the persecution and crushing of discordant pro-lifers. Notice that her first words as Attorney General did not lash out at drug lords, or Mafia bosses; she didn't decry gang-warfare or car-jackings, or even mail and credit card fraud. No, she lashed out at Christians and set her sights squarely on pro-life activists. People truly do govern in accordance with their ethical allegiances. For her, preserving child-killing is evidently more important than stopping cocaine sales.

2006-10-18 02:57:49 · answer #1 · answered by Cherie 6 · 0 0

The only reason Clinton is sucking up to Daddy Bush is he is wanting a little respectability to rub off on him. Everything is phony with Clinton.
Yes, I've seen the list of murders and "suicides".
I watched them as they happened.
It's sickening. Another one was murdered about a month ago.
It won't end until Hillary becomes president.
Don't come down here to Little Rock and ask questions about the Clintons. It is very dangerous.

2006-10-18 02:57:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As someone who thoroughly loathes the lowlife lying adulterous scumbag Clinton, even I draw the line at this nonsense.

Clinton was, and still is, a thoroughly unscrupulous, mean and rotten partisan politician, who will say or do anything to demean and disparage his opponents. But I have never seen any evidence than would indicate he was involved in any of those deaths.

He might have had connections to the people involved in those deaths, considering some the criminals and shady characters he hung out with and whom he pardoned, but that hardly means he bears any responsibility for actions associated with those peoples' criminal activities. Correlation does not equal causation!

Facts and evidence are important. They are the only path to truth. They are the only things that will convince me to give any idea credence.

2006-10-18 03:03:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whatever number of murders that Clinton is some how linked to, albeit indirectly, as you failed to mention, the number that George Bush Jr. is culpable of, if you include all the unjustified killings resulting from his ill conceived invasion of Afghanistan, and his misguided war in Iraq, eclipses any of Clinton’s supposed sins against humanity. With regards to homicide, Bush achieves far more than Clinton ever could in his wildest dreams. I guess you Neocons can actually have something to be proud of in that you have finally found one thing that George W. Bush actually does better than his predecessor.

2006-10-18 04:19:13 · answer #4 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 0 0

That is one of the various reasons Hillary wont get the Democratic nod.

She is a valuable fund raiser and familiar face for the party, but as her fellow democrats start digging up evenything Hill and Bill did prior to the White House (and Vince Foster and James MacDougal while in the White House) she will be finished.


2006-10-18 02:55:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Only 50...hmmm that is nothing in comparison to the number of our troops Bush has sent to their death.

2006-10-18 03:04:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

better than the thousands killed by Bush--

2006-10-18 02:52:54 · answer #7 · answered by Kismitt 6 · 0 0

that, or you can type in clinton crimes and get a nice long list of what both he and his wife have accomplished in the world of crime. all public domain or whatever that word is for available to the public.

2006-10-18 02:52:18 · answer #8 · answered by afterflakes 4 · 1 2

what is this now . i swear you peoples never stop with the propaganda on Clinton where is your proof

2006-10-18 02:53:05 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

How many of you typed in the U.S. Casualties on CNN to see the American Soldiers George W sent over to be killed?

2006-10-18 02:49:51 · answer #10 · answered by Gettin_by 3 · 7 5

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