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So, I was sick on Sunday and had to call in to work. I've had this job for about 7 months and this is only my 3rd time being out. Not to mention all the times I've went in on my days off to help out.
Anyway, the person I talked to when I called in sunday morning gave me a real hard time about it. She said she'd been dealing with this all weekend with people calling in, and she was sick too but she came to work anyway, so why couldn't I come in. So we argued on the phone for what seemed like forever, and I get the feeling that apparently she thinks I must not really be sick.

I went to the doctor later on and got him to write me a note while I was there. Last night I put the note up in the office at work where this person could see it. Then my evil side took over and I made a little note on it that said:

Here is my doctors note from Sunday. Thanks for being so "nice" when I had to call in.

Was that wrong?

2006-10-17 06:42:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

19 answers

The person was probably feeling pissy over the number of calls especially if this person is responsible for the scheduling. A better tactic might have been to be polite, give her the note and ask for the note to be put in your personnel file. Tell her you were sorry she was having a bad day but that you are not the kind to fake illness. But this is after the fact. You have probably made an enemy where reverse tactics might have gained you an in for the next time you called in.

2006-10-17 06:58:39 · answer #1 · answered by juncogirl3 6 · 4 0

Yes and No. Yes-- in that you may have contributed to some tension to remain between you two. And, No--that you let her know you didn't appreciate her being inconsiderate towards you and not trusting that you were sick. If you want to make things right, you can confront her or leave her another more humble note stating how she made you feel and get things cleared up for future reference before you become ill again.

My opinion, I don't think 3 days missed in 7 months is alot. We are human, we can't help when we get sick. Our health is priority, because that business will continue on if you were to drop dead. You can find another more accomodating job. I know sometimes that's easier said than done, depending on what you have going on in your life.

If your job is not caring about your well being and treating you like you some machine and this bothers you then you may want to click over to some classified ads and begin filling out some applications.

2006-10-17 15:00:17 · answer #2 · answered by happy 2 · 0 0

Every heard the saying, "Take the higher road", or "look the other way" or "two people being ugly makes one big a**"

My point is, I would have been a little ticked too if I called in and was given a hard time; however, you could have easily just gave them the note and not said a word. But its done now, so hopefully it will all just blow over.

2006-10-17 14:02:45 · answer #3 · answered by GreeneyedCowgirl 5 · 1 0

well- she should be understanding about you not feeling too good but- she probably had no one to ocver for you and tried to make a point across that if you weren't too bad to please come in. I think you pushed it alittle. That little comment can possibly cost you your job. they can say that you were being rude or had an attitude in your note and use it against you. She sounds liek she was being a ***** about it. If they fire you- good!! get unemployment! I recomment you not to miss work at least the first 6 months to a new job because they won't let you miss next time. She might have gotten pissed at you since it was already your 3rd time. Don't miss work if you don't have to but- they should understand anyway!

2006-10-17 14:48:08 · answer #4 · answered by Ms.Budonkadonk 4 · 0 0

You didnt need to get into the situation over the phone, u only need to explain yourself, get a note if its that serious and give it to human resources, thats it!!! Its sounds like you were trying to prove you are really realy sick and if you were already back to work on Monday, that sickness was not that extreme!!! Usualy you see a doctor after like three days of consitent symptoms. 99% of companies ask that you bring a note after three days.
am not downplaying the situation but in my opinion u did a bad thing that person has a business to run too.
U must know that your job is on the line. three times is high. you may not get aother chance.

2006-10-17 14:35:38 · answer #5 · answered by reene2g 4 · 1 0

Although it was not a bad thing ....you should not have allowed her to reduce you, which it sounds like she did. Being out 3 times in 7 months is quite a bit. I would suggest that you not go in on your days tha you are scheduled to be off because it does not serve your best interest.

2006-10-17 13:57:38 · answer #6 · answered by Jaye B 1 · 1 0

You should have left a photcopy of the note and kept the original
THis sounds like a less than ideal (crappy) job, you should consider another place of employment

2006-10-17 13:52:38 · answer #7 · answered by mike c 5 · 1 0

Yes it was wrong, that person you were evil to., probably had to do your work, you've called in three times in 7 months, unacceptable.

2006-10-17 14:40:39 · answer #8 · answered by Ron H 2 · 2 0

maybe not wrong but a little rude for a subordinate.

certainly not something you'd want to do if the person was in charge of your raises or scheduling or anything else that could affect you financially

2006-10-17 14:15:08 · answer #9 · answered by dharma_claire 4 · 1 0

it was a little snide. and 3 times out in 7 month is high

2006-10-17 14:16:56 · answer #10 · answered by K 3 · 1 0

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