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I am a Leo but dont know much about it. Can you tell me love matches, characteristics, and any other details that go along with this sign?

2006-10-17 05:08:00 · 5 answers · asked by jenivive 6 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

5 answers

Hello fellow Leo the lion!!!

Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. This makes Leo prone to stir up a situation out of nowhere just for something to keep their vivacious temperament satisfied. Leo has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. Leos love praise and flattery, their egos demand respect and adoration....

there is so much more. you can read it here: http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/leo.htm

2006-10-17 07:17:44 · answer #1 · answered by WebmasterD 1 · 0 1

Leos by nature are aggressively creative and natural-born leaders, much like Aries only more edgy than Aries. Having said that, Leo's are "compatible" with ANY sign so long as it can keep up with, interact with, contribute to and generally participate on the same level, with the same urgency and vitality upon which the Leo is a fully functioning dynamic organism. Anything less than that, and the relationship with gradually (or quickly) fizzle out.

2016-05-22 08:46:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Positive traits: Caring, loyal, loving, outgoing, honest, friendly, life of the party, has a potential to make friends easily, becomes the center of attention everywhere they go, romantic, giving, adventurous, strong, social, intelligent, rarely scared of anything, risk taker, competitive, have a very big heart but rarely show it, funny, sarcastic (which may or may not be a good thing).
Negative traits: vain, bossy, demanding, overly competitive at times, can be whiny and feel sorry for themselves, overbearing, possessive, jealous, talk before thinking, conniving, plot revenge, bad temper, can be overly flirtatious.
Leos are "king" of every room they walk into and at times others can get annoyed because they do demand a lot of attention--in fact they prefer to be the center of attention. They have big hearts but rarely show it...and only those closest to them get to see what they have in side emotionally.
They go well with other fire signs....especially Aries.
They do not go well with Pisces (hard to control I guess), Libra or Capricorn.

2006-10-18 11:58:12 · answer #3 · answered by vdubbchick 4 · 0 0

If you want awesome sex, find an Aries....but aside from sex, watch out, it's a HORRIBLE combination!!!

Leos are absolutley the greatest sign in the zodiac. Everyone assumes us as being loud and greedy and demanding, but we are actually quite sensitive and loving. We take things very personally. We are very self-less....always wanting to give to others, makings sure the people around us are taken care of before we ourselves are taken care for.

2006-10-17 09:48:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leo is the fixed fire sign. Think contained flames. Like a campfire that needs constant attention to keep alive and warm. There is a deep love for life and all of its possibilities...including its luxuries and that love transfers over beautifully into how a Leo expresses their feelings. Love with a Leo is like a magnificent encounter with the sun. They are warm and supportive when their heart is given and their affections grow stronger the more they feel that their partners care about them and adore them in return. Leo's are dramatically romantic and not afraid to show it. They enjoy pulling their loved ones out into their world and radiate when they feel their partners compliment some quality about themselves. Love becomes a thing of luxury and the partner receives the abundance of their personal Leo's attention,. lust and emotions. Because Leo's judge themselves on what they have around them (hence their love of luxury) they can be too appearance conscious at times and too critical of a mates qualities, appearance or talents. Because they truly need constant input to maintain their vitality they can sometimes become self-serving...occasionally to a point that it becomes egotistical.

You'll find that love with a Leo is like no other love...and when they decide to give you their heart....they also give you every inch of their soul. In this lies the Leo vulnerability....when their trust is broken they crumble. They, again, base their own self judgements on those they adore. Take away the loved one...and you've taken away their own identity in many ways. When Leos feel let down (and it usually takes a great deal) they either fall into an abyss of pain and depression.. or they get utterly cold and without feeling. The lion....in protective mode.

Leo Sexuality: Leo's sexuality is as light filled and life filled as their ruling planet, The Sun. They are usually full of showmanship and expressive displays of attention. They enjoy the height of all feelings in life and sexual pleasure is just another glorious field to explore the luxuries of the body through. Leo's can be aggressive, passionate and encompassing lovers with exotic tastes...remember it is is the love of life that inspires Leo and they can be wonderfully creative and experimental, especially when they feel secure. They are as proud in passion as they are in any other area of life and perhaps more so. The more appreciated and cherished they feel the more expressive and passionate they become.

The long term story: Leos being fire signs are rather high maintenance partners. They require attention, nurturing and pampering. A mate has to be personally strong in themselves to enhance the partnership but also willing to step occasionally into their Leo's shadow. Leos are protective to the death for those they love and they are generous and expressive in a long term union that is constantly stoked and fed. Keep the campfire metaphor in mind. Unattended it dies out...mistreated it flares into unpredictable life and burns...but kept constant and tended it turns into a life giving warmth that is undying.

Positive Traits in Love: Protective, adoring, playful, inventive, generous, supportive, sensual, warm, joyful.

Negative traits: Possessive, jealous, control issues, coldness, cruelty, selfishness, egotistical, self serving.

What Leo likes: Feeling Pampered, Being noticed, Being appreciated, Being the boss, Dramatic unions, Mate with a love of life, Receiving gifts, Socializing/parties.

What Leo Dislikes: Apathy, Being ignored, Being critisized, Nagging, One up-manship, Competition, Lying/deceit, Laziness.

Leo Love Keywords: Expressive, demonstrative, engulfing, proud, sensual, adoring, control, egotistical, self serving, jealousy, coldness, cruelty.


These two are the superstars of the zodiac. These well-matched partners get along marvelously in the bedroom. They're an unbeatable combination for deriving sheer joy and excitement from sex. They also share the same likes and dislikes in other areas of life. However, they need all that rapport to overcome one big problem-the head-on collision of two super egos, each of whom wants to play the leading role. They have to learn to share center stage. Otherwise, a glorious mating.


Leo's sovereign right to rule runs smack up against Taurus's determination to have its own way. Both are fixed sign, so neither will give an inch. Leo merely becomes angrier and Taurus more obstinate. Thrifty Taurus is also appalled at Leo's careless spending habits. Taurus is cautious and deliberate; Leo expansive and extravagant. Taurus stubbornly refuses to give Leo constant worship, and Leo is too self centered to give Taurus the devotion it needs. Leo is much more exuberant than Taurus, both in and out of the bedroom. Too many personality conflicts here.


They strike it off immediately because they like so many of the same things-glamorous social life, parties, theater, lots of friends. Lively, independent Gemini brings out Leo's joie de vivre. Their affair is a merry chase after variety and amusement. Leo finds Gemini's imaginative sexual high jinks fret fun, but Leo may also become jealous because of Gemini's lighthearted approach to love. Leo is more intense than airy Gemini. Life together will be stimulating and exasperating, but the outlook is good if Gemini can stay faithful. Otherwise-poof!


Both are romantics, though in different ways: Leo wants a relationship to be glorious and exciting, Cancer wants it to be meaningful and fulfilling. Leo doesn't get as overwrought as Cancer, who takes things more seriously. Cancer needs security, tranquility, and is a stay-at-home. Leo is boisterous and a gadabout who loves to be on constant display. Cancer's dependency will please Leo-provided a little adoration is thrown in. Leo is flamboyant in love, and Cancer is responsive, loyal, and intense; Leo likes that. Mixed signals.


When a king and queen are together, heads turn. This couple can have a royal mating=a grand passion conducted on a grand scale. Both are romantic, colorful, exuberant about life, and highly sexed. The main question is: Who's going to be in charge? It's difficult for one Leo to make room for another ego as large as its own, but that's exactly what's needed here. Each not only wants to sit on the throne, each wants to be the power behind it as well. Grand lovers-and interesting rivals.


Leo is drawn to Virgo's intellectualism, but Virgo doesn't understand Leo's dramatic nature. Leo can't get from cool, reserved Virgo the sexual responsiveness it demands. Virgo is practical and prudent; Leo is extravagant and a spendthrift. Leo likes to live life in a really big way, but Virgo is conservative, frugal and a nitpicker-which puts a damper on Leo's high spirits. Virgo won't be dominated either. Leo needs lots of flattery, but Virgo's tendency is to puncture inflated egos. Both of them should look elsewhere.


Leo's creative side meshes well with Libra's penchant for artistic and esthetic pursuits. Leo is more interested in the strictly physical side of love than Libra, but Leo's style and brio can win Libra over. Libra in indecisive and Leo will naturally take charge. The checkbook may not always balance because they're both extravagant and love a beautiful sting in which to shine. Each will also try to outdo the other in order to get attention. But in the bedroom, Leo is the master-and that's what Leo likes.


There's immediate sexual fascination with each other. But Leo finds it hard to cope with Scorpio's jealousy and possessiveness. Intense, smoldering Scorpio is on a too-short fuse, while Leo is much more buoyant. Leo thinks Scorpio difficult and temperamental; Scorpio considers Leo pretentious and a show-off. Scorpio doesn't understand Leo's need to be continually surrounded by an admiring audience. Scorpio would rather dominate than admire, and that doesn't suit Leo's kingly state. Sex isn't everything.


Leo is enthralled by optimistic, extroverted Sagittarius-and fun-loving Sagittarius is enchanted with Leo's sunny openness to life. Together they share a liking for freedom, adventure, and meeting new people. Both are passionate and fiery sexual types, and if anyone can keep Sagittarius faithful it's Leo. Leo's natural quality of leadership brings out what loyalty Sagittarius can give. Leo is very proud, but self-confident and expansive Sagittarius is perfectly happy to let Leo strut.


Leo's romantic, expansive nature is curbed by cautious, practical Capricorn. Merry Leo likes to kick up its heels, but Capricorn disapproves of too much self-indulgence. Both are highly sexed, but with basic differences. Leo needs glamour in lovemaking and Capricorn can't supply it. Leo will think Capricorn stingy with affection because Capricorn's reserved, undemonstrative nature cannot give Leo the adoration it needs. Neither will take a back seat or let the other dominate. This affair will be on the rocks before it even leaves the dock.


There is initial physical attraction between these two, but Aquarius's tendency to analyze and criticize will shake Leo's confidence and deflate its ego. Leo views Aquarius's aloof emotions as a personal rejection. Also, Aquarius's unconventional, experimental approach to love may prove upsetting to Leo, who doesn't like to wander too far off field Both like socializing and meeting new people, but Leo always needs to perform on center stage, which makes Aquarius impatient and irritable. Aquarius is too independent to become Leo's devoted subject. And that's where it ends.


Leo is flamboyant, domineering; Pisces is unworldly and mystical. They intrigue each other because they are so different, but the differences don't mesh well. Leo's active outgoing nature doesn't harmonize with Pisces's dreamy introspection. Leo needs public acclaim, while Pisces prefers the sheltered life. Both are more inclined to take than to give. Leo can't tolerate Pisces's ultra-sensitivity, nor Pisces's inclination toward exotic boundary activity. Before long, the lion will start to roam.

2006-10-17 08:48:41 · answer #5 · answered by ashelmo2004 1 · 1 1

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