im in paisley and its as dry as a nuns chaff.
2006-10-17 05:48:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Depends what you mean by "hash" I guess.
Down here in Kent there's plenty of green to be had (although not as much as there used to be) It's mainly skunk so it's pretty expensive. Couple of draws and I can't walk!! LOL
Haven't seen any solids for a long while though. Don't think there's much call for the old Lebanese, Black etc since the new stronger greens became available.
2006-10-17 05:54:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Very dry in cornwall, Suffolk, norfolk, glasgow.
I have been in contact with desparate folks all over asking can i get any and send it, but I am smoking dry old leaves at the mo.
its been like this for a few months now so i think some people need to start growing right now. otherwise we will turn into a land of alchys and junkies, yeah the smack never dries up, you notice that? someone must turn a blind eye to it! plenty of crack too, plenty of pills and all the other drugs i gave up years ago cos they turn you into twats. all the good stuff like pollen, weed, lsd, mdma are all gone. I can still get shrooms but thats all.
If you really want good hash, fly to morocco for £150 get to babou jeloud (blue gate) in fes and stay in the hotel opposite.
you can get someone to take you too the mountains and get the best sputnik hashish for £1 per gram. do the math!
2006-10-17 05:23:42
answer #3
answered by n2thepowerofn 2
Its world-wide, seems like. But I got something pretty decent the other day, so relief may be in sight. But, yeah, I feel your pain, its hard everywhere right now. I'd hook you up next time I come across some but Glasgow Is quite a trip from the New England, sorry!
2006-10-17 05:09:45
answer #4
answered by Sweet! 4
Been like it for a few weeks now down here in the south west, UK
Also so many people have discovered that all the poison in soap-bar is not on, and are refusing to buy or smoke it. And last but not least more people are growing their own. The present laws are archaic, and the reasoning behind them is confused to say the least.
2006-10-17 05:26:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Just rang my brother, he says there has been a draught in South Wales for a couple of months. I seem to remember (amazingly) a draught of similar proportions in 1986, I think at about the same time of year.
Commiserations to all the Heads out there, don't worry it won't last much longer I'm sure.
2006-10-17 05:27:49
answer #6
answered by iusedtolooklikemyavatar 4
Im in kent and ive had none for 2-3 weeks :-( But I am getting some tonight so it cant be that dry lol
2006-10-17 05:51:47
answer #7
answered by dirtygrl_4_u 1
Yeah, it's like the great hash drought of 1986 all over again. It's the "6" curse!
2006-10-17 05:09:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Im in Devon - green has been about but has gone up in price solid has just come back in the last few days from about 3 months of none.
My sister is in Glasgow and she seems to be ok getting hold of it.
2006-10-17 05:13:37
answer #9
answered by Missy 3
I live in the USA. I haven't seen hash in 20 years or more.
2006-10-17 05:12:04
answer #10
answered by golden rider 6
Yeah, Its dry down here in South Fla too... and that is unheard of. I'm also hearing the same thing from my friends back up in New York and New Jersey too. So it sounds like it is!
2006-10-17 05:10:57
answer #11
answered by Kontra~Diction 2