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you see i have a list of things about millsberry, here it is:
Ninja suit:GIVE ME ALL INFORMATION YOU KNOW ON THIS! and NO i will not buy it off ebay. also if you know a yard sale thats selling one, alert me PLEASE
Halloween costumes:When are they availible?give me all information, yet again i wont buy it from ebay! no more asking about ebay!
Good methods of millsbucks making:anything tell me anything

additional things:
when im going for orange dojo belt, how many hits/blocks do i have to succesfully do in order to receive a score towards my belt,
send me a card please, im karatekid102 if that doesnt work try thekaratekid102, please alert me of any yardsales with ninja costumes.

2006-10-17 04:50:57 · 2 answers · asked by Alex C 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

Ninja Costume:
The ninja costume was released during Halloween of 2005. It may or may not be re-released this year. We are guessing that costumes will be released with the gazette that is due out today. If the Ninja costume is not re-released I will sell you one from my stock but I warn you that the prices will not be cheap. We have no way of knowing which items will be released this year - in 2004 thehy had some costumes that were not re-released in 2005 and other costumes that were so honestly only time will tell.

Making Millsbucks:
1. Always check out the coach danner link on the millsberry main page (make sure you are logged in when you do it). It will link you to another millsberry recommended site like kidkinetic.com and will give you MB just for visiting the site. The current link is not working but if you wait until Thursday it usually changes. Often it's 1000 MB just for visiting the linked site.

2. Open a bank account. Even if you don't have much money open a bank account and put your money in it. You will earn interest on your money every day. As you collect the interest your bank account balance will grow and as you deposit more money you get more interest.

3. Have a Yard Sale. If you shop at yard sales yourself buy all the bargains that you see (for example if you find someone selling leaf layered skirt for 10 MB buy it!). Then re-sell your bargains for slightly higher prices (like selling your 10 MB skirt for 15). You should be able to sell things fairly quickly if you keep your prices low and even if you're not making huge profits on each item doing a lot of volume sales can get you lots of money quickly.

4. Right now the Trix Rabbit can be found in downtown millsberry shops and when you find him he gives you 1000 MB.

5. Play Games! This is by far the best method to make money. You can not only earn millsbucks by playing games but if you win trophies you can sell those in your Yard Sale.

The orange belt requires 27 defensive and 27 offensive hits per game. It will require 18 score submissions (1 score submission per game) or 6 days at 3 plays per day to complete the belt. You might be able to miss 1 or 2 hits at the beginning or end of a round and still get a submittable score but it's doubtful. Your karate score is computed based on your response time and your accuracy.

2006-10-18 03:17:04 · answer #1 · answered by Richter35 6 · 0 0

i have a ninja suit

2006-10-18 12:45:54 · answer #2 · answered by Sabrina 2 · 0 0

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