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8 answers

I was in the same boat 3 years ago. It took me some time to crawl out; call your friends tonight, watch some comedy, have a bath, then tell your boss tomorrow that you feel you need a change.
Then go to college/uni and have a word with your tutor.
It seems you have very low self esteem. I often have to stop myself when in the shops comparing me to other girls thinking 'Oh, they're so much thinner than me' but at least I won't get wrinkles as early as them! If we were all size 8s the world would be a bloody boring place.
Oh, and write before bed 10 things you like about yourself - and 10 non food related treats you can give yourself when you've achieved something.
Let us all know how you get on. xx

2006-10-17 05:57:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I cope by remembering that I am not here by accident and that there's something in my life that I have to do. I remember the love of family and friends and see all my good points, strengths and positives reflected in their eyes and the way they think of me. I like a guy who doesn't care less and who will soon be leaving the country but thinks it's fun to string me along while he's here, I also feel fat (I used to be 240 lbs - I'm not any more, I'm considerably lighter but in my head I'm still obese), I don't have a proper job, it's very occasional and unreliable, and sometimes I feel like burying under my blanket and never being seen again - but you've got to remember that nobody exists without love - someone loves you and needs you to carry on. And it's also important to know that 'all things must pass' - your life won't always be in this rut. Things have a way of going in cycles - for every up there's a down, and you just need to ride it out until you're 'up' again. I hope hearing my story has helped you to realise that you're not the only person in the world to feel this way, and that we all struggle every day to keep going; but if you truly feel you can't cope, perhaps see your doctor and see if he or she can give you some more tips.

But you're not alone in your struggles, and I wish you love and luck.

2006-10-17 12:29:06 · answer #2 · answered by Sinead C 3 · 0 0

Heh girl, you opened up to us!!!

Laugh, even if it nearly kills you and you cannot fathom what you could possible be laughing about.

Laugh for ten minutes a day for at least three weeks and then stop and look at your life.

Suddenly you will realise that it is getting better, that those mountains don't seem so unclimbable any more.

It is good old fashioned folk medicine; but it works.

The broke part I cannot help you with. It is how I live my life. I have learned to keep it that way.I have realised that the broke me is a lot more thoughtful and caring than the me that had it all.

Good luck and be strong. Wishing you love, peace, hope and strength.

2006-10-17 12:47:58 · answer #3 · answered by Christine H 7 · 1 0

I got carried away when I saw this on ebay its made a killing in sales check it out and you to could sit back and watch it role in check the feedback before thinking its rubbish you can play god with who ever you like with this trick ebay lsiting type in the search box on ebay 200036530416
it allows you to send a text seemingly from a mates phone without the need to touch it to do so or even have credit and is 100% legal listing refrence again 200036530416 this is the best practical joke you will ever see this will catch all those who cheat on you as you can use it to set them up or play mind games with them

2006-10-17 12:56:01 · answer #4 · answered by carl j 1 · 0 1

well, you just opened up and told us your an insecure person.

find a single guy who can help build you up. work out if you feel fat. get a job you enjoy, which also pays better. study harder!

theres an easy answer to almost all questions, we just dont want to follow thru with the solution. get off your pitty potty, pull up your under-roo's and stop feeling sorry for yourself. you CAN cope. just DO IT!

2006-10-17 12:32:31 · answer #5 · answered by uncle odis 1 · 0 2

coz they have to, u may not wanna hear this but if u really love this person i will wont want is best for this person and 2 see this person happy its hard and really no one copes but we all have different ways of dealing with it (hopes that helped)

2006-10-17 12:29:28 · answer #6 · answered by xx-bbz-xx 1 · 0 0

Im in EXACTLY the same boat! Keep your chin up! Everything will be alrite in the end! [or so my mum says]!

2006-10-17 12:27:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-10-17 15:21:59 · answer #8 · answered by minerva 7 · 0 0

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