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there is this guy at work that i am SO attracted too. I believe he's attracted to me too, we've actually gone out once, i'm waiting patiently for him to ask me again, nothing sexual happened on our "date", I think we were both nervous because I'm married, and he's about 8yrs younger than i am. Guess my question is, I feel like I have honestly found the one I want to be with, I NEVER had this feeling with my husband, do you all think its a "phase" or am I in need of a divorce?

2006-10-17 04:48:51 · 6 answers · asked by ohsouncertain 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

I think he's waiting for you to approach him. There's a chance that he feels you're not interested as there was no sexual activity on the first date. If he knows you're married and dating, he probably figures you're looking to have sexual adventuires, but chose not to do it with him.
Ask him out. Flash him both a smile and your high-beams. Let him know there will be some real fun on the second date.

2006-10-18 03:22:40 · answer #1 · answered by so 6 · 0 1

I think it's easy to find someone younger (and good looking) to be attractive to you, especially if you are in a marriage that may not have the same amount of attention. The question you need to answer is: "Do you think your husband would be crushed by your crush?" Remember, that marriage is a commitment that both partners undertake. Perhaps it's naive to think that it will last forever, but certainly the commitment you made should be honored. Perhaps you need to talk with your husband about your feelings...that you're not being "pursued" any more and that you miss that...

2006-10-17 05:41:41 · answer #2 · answered by jeepguy_2x 5 · 0 0

You do understand "Head games" I read your other question, you are a Married woman and playing the worst "Head game" on yourself and your husband.

You are married, act like it, married don't hang out at bars trying to lure some kid into a romp in the sack. At least ones with self respect don't.

When we age, we are supposed to gain wisdom, next time you go to a bar, look at the 60 year old women hanging out in there smoking and drinking themselves to death, do you want to end up like them, or enjoy a long life with your husband, kids, grandkids with security and Love?

That is literally the choice you have. That young guy might take you out, he may even sleep with you, he will tell his friends about the "Older lady that is a freak in the sack" but won't marry you.

Then get ready for every young guy that can't get a date to hit on expecting you to preform for them.

Get a grip, while there is still time!

Sorry for being so harsh! Normally men are the ones doing this same thing.


2006-10-17 05:37:59 · answer #3 · answered by C 7 · 0 0

People tend to get more ecited wen they think something is wrong, dangerous etc. That doesn't justify your actions at all. First off, you are married.... If you don't love him divorce him. Why would you cheat... it says nothing good about you or your morals...

I an understand a crush, but is a crush worth your marriage or your reputation....???

Even without sex, you have already cheated...and what does it say about a guy who dates a maried woman?

Both of you are a waste...your husband deserves so much better.

2006-10-17 05:58:10 · answer #4 · answered by westfield47130 6 · 0 0

You have been asking the same question for the past four days. I don't think that any advise from here is going to stop you from taking it to the next level. The real issue is what is going on in the young man's head. Better be clear on that before you take he plunge. Email me if you wanna talk about it.

2006-10-17 05:00:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go with ur gut feeling or wait a while or go see a phycologist

2006-10-17 05:26:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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