Its impossible to track her down unless you actually catch her, she used a fake id which anyone can get and thats why you wont be able to trace her. Lucky it was only a tenner! People do this in pubs cos everyones had a drink and feels more generous....stay well clear in future I think!
2006-10-17 04:50:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Short of going to the Police and warning the pub owners, who in turn could pass the message on to other licensees, I don't really see what else you can do. Next time take her details and tell her you will send a donation through the post.
2006-10-17 11:51:08
answer #2
answered by Ally 5
You could try contacting your local newspaper; I know the Manchester Evening News often runs stories on local charity scams, and the more publicity there is, the more chance of this person being caught or identified, and also of other people not being taken in.
2006-10-17 11:53:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You should take the details you have on her to the Police Station, they will take statement of who where and when and can warn other Landlords not to allow these people to collect in their pubs
2006-10-17 12:15:11
answer #4
answered by Mandy T 2
The police and trading standards are about your best bet, there are lots of these gangs operating in the UK at the moment, just be careful who you trust as honest and nice as you are OK.
2006-10-17 11:53:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Print off all the details you have and a descrioption of her and stick posters on all the lamp posts in the area.
2006-10-17 11:51:43
answer #6
answered by Christ 3
thats bad karma! she will get her "reward" later in life. how low will some ppl stoop? i never give to charity collectors like that, even if i think they are for real. im not sure if trading standards would be able to look into this for you, but u could give them a try?
2006-10-17 12:02:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I never give money to beggars. Many of them make more than I do and it is all tax free.
2006-10-17 11:50:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You can try the police and they 'll most likely know, good luck.
2006-10-17 12:18:37
answer #9
answered by shirley m 4
trading standards office and the police
2006-10-17 11:51:00
answer #10
answered by peter s 3