I think the average would be around 8-10 minutes, but most women would probably ask for at least 20 minutes.
2006-10-17 13:17:05
answer #1
answered by Girl Machine 7
First off, are you asking how long should you last because you fall short of the mark or how long should you last because you run the marathon and don't see the finish line? In either case, your wife seems to be your key director and she's not stepping up to the plate (so-to-speak). Its your wife's job to direct the flow of things when it seems you are doing everything you can. Most women love that job, what's her problem, with all due respect? Honey I'd be happy that I'm getting some at my age....I just turned 40 and am single again. A 5 min. round would get me where I want to go but then I'd try for more when the time was right. Good Luck......and try to get your wife to be more specific with her answer and not one that leaves you hanging.
2006-10-17 05:04:04
answer #2
answered by BrnEyez 1
This Site Might Help You.
How long should I last in bed? I can't get a straight answer out of my wife. What is the norm?
2015-08-18 16:16:21
answer #3
answered by Paulina 1
firstly, don't blame yourself like most of the other answers suggest. Everyone is different. Myself it fluctuates. sometimes a hell of a long time and others not so much. it's a mental thing. when you are extrememly attracted to someone, your mind takes over and you usually find yourself thinking of her all day all the time and when the act finally happens.....well.
and other times are spur of the moment and lasts forever. Just be cool and let things take their course. It wouldn't hurt to help her along the best you can so she gets her satisfaction too. She needs to open up and let you know more of the things that turn her on or make her senses react. then it's up to you to do your best my friend.
2006-10-17 05:52:05
answer #4
answered by unsure 2
It all depends, luv!
Some women prefer to have "short & sweet" little quickies, while others prefer the marathon-length sessions!
In my case, I like 'em all the same; sometimes you feel like a quickie, sometimes you feel like a multi-orgasmic marathon!
So in the case of quickies, I think the shortest time my hubby lasted (as in a record for SHORTNESS of duration) was between 5 and 8 minutes! But I was able to reach orgasm within that time so it ain't a big deal!
In the case of Marathons, I think my hubby usually can last up to 30 minutes of pure sex (not counting foreplay, oral sex, or the "come down" afterwards) and that's way more than enough for me! I usually orgasm 2 to 8 times in such duration (for these marathon sessions of course) so anything over the 30 minute mark starts to feel like it's beginning to drab on...
So in my humble experience, I think anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes of "intercourse" only (not counting foreplay, oral, or anything else) should be what most people would consider a "normal" duration...
But do remember that all women's preferences differ on this subject, so on woman's 30 minutes is a quickie to another woman who requires much more time!
2006-10-17 05:24:32
answer #5
answered by ButtahChick (ButterChick) 4
Your wife can't give you a straight answer because there is no definite answer to give you. Every man is different. There are things you can do to extend the time. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, limit alcohol consumption, don't smoke, and get regular cardio exercise.
2006-10-17 05:07:52
answer #6
answered by eehco 6
There's no such thing as norm in performing sex in bed.
As long as you can satisfy your sex partner every time in bed,
it's the most important thing that matters.
I hope you understand.
2006-10-17 05:11:11
answer #7
answered by steplow33 5
i really don't think there is a normal time, I think that if you are you are both satisfied then it is of the norm, but if she's not, she needs a little more foreplay from you.
2006-10-17 04:51:16
answer #8
answered by sandra t 1
Well I do not think there is an answer for your question. I would say hold out until your wife is pleased to. If it takes her five than five. If it takes her 10 and you can only go 5 foreplay is for you first.
2006-10-17 04:54:00
answer #9
answered by IN PAIN 1
it's not so much about quantity as it is about quality... i've dated men who lasted 15 to 20 minutes... and it was an amazing 20 minutes!
i've dated men who lasted 45 minutes and i could hardly wait until they were finished because it was awful.
as a woman i'd say 15 to 20 minutes of superpassionate stuff or 35 min or so of the slow tender lovemaking.... depends on the mood at the moment.
keep in mind that lovemaking can be kind of hard on a woman's body... we tend to end up in positions that can start to get achy or uncomfortable in the hips or low back so pay attention to her body language and responses to what you're doing.
most important... enjoy yourselves! SEX IS FUN!
2006-10-17 04:52:30
answer #10
answered by Patti B 4