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Help me out here, I have David James in goal, John Terry, Phil Neville, Gary Neville and Gary Charles (retired, I know) in defence, Thierry Henry (Terry Henry) and Michael Owen in attack. Missing an entire midfield though (maybe Edgar Davids)...?

2006-10-17 04:09:34 · 21 answers · asked by Colossal Squid 1 in Sports Football English Football

21 answers

If retired players are allowed, going 4-4-2 (with two wide midfielders) and not going overseas (well, beyond Wales and Scotland, anyway):
David James:
John Terry: Gary Neville: Steve Bruce: John Charles
Leighton James: John Gregory: Trevor Steven: Steve Archibald
Charlie George: Michael Owen

Can I just say how immensely smileeface seems to have misunderstood the basic question - Wayne Rooney??? Owen Hargreaves??? As has the person who reckons 'Cole' is a christian name....

2006-10-17 04:32:07 · answer #1 · answered by eriverpipe 7 · 2 0

good question got 11 currently playing
1. David James or Paddy Kenny
2. Gary neville
3. Stephen Jordan (man city)
4. Gareth Barry (villa)
5.John Terry
6. Arron Lennon
7.Lucas Neill blackburn
8. Collins John (Fulham)
9. Michael Owen
10. Thierry henry
11.Jerome Thomas (charlton)

Manager Sammy Lee (Bolton Assistant)

2006-10-17 06:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by ianjohnpaul 3 · 1 0

From the Premieriership this season
David James (Portsmouth)
Gary Neville (Man Unt)
John Terry (Chelsea)
Lucas Neill (Blackburn)
Ryan Taylor (Wigan)
Gareth Barry (Aston Villa)
Jerome Thomas (Charlton)
Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Damien Francis (Watford)
Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
Collins John (Fulham)

2006-10-17 06:02:09 · answer #3 · answered by onetruekev 5 · 1 0

Colin Cameron in centre midfield, Stuart Elliott or Matthew Taylor left midfield, Eddie Lewis, Rodney Jack, Mark Joseph, Gary Alexander, Hector Sam...

2006-10-17 06:14:50 · answer #4 · answered by swann_trevor 1 · 0 0

Collins John
Clive Allen
Larry Lloyd
Alvin Martin
Roy Paul
Paul Stewart

2006-10-17 04:34:52 · answer #5 · answered by alanth 2 · 1 0

There seem to be a few strikers:
Collins John (he's truly mixed up)
Stern John
Rodney Jack

You could have (Rio) Ferdinand in deep midfield. Tim Howard is a handy keeper for the bench.

2006-10-17 04:38:31 · answer #6 · answered by Kieran M 1 · 0 0

a million - Novak Djokovic v Svetlana Kuznetsova- Novak. 2 - Jo Wilfred Tsonga v Andrea Petkovic- Tsonga. 3 - Rafa Nadal v Sabine Lisicki- Rafa. 4 - Roger Federer v Vera Zvonareva- Zvonareva. 5 - Juan Martin Del Potro v Feliciano Lopez- Del Potro. 6 - James Blake v Venus Williams- Venus. 7 - Andy Roddick v Ana Ivanovic- Ana. 8 - Fernando Verdasco v Victoria- Verdasco. Please decide for as ultimate answer. i desire the factors.

2016-12-13 09:54:10 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Midfielders - Geoff Thomas (retired and crap), Michael Thomas, Leighton James (retired), Gareth Barry

2006-10-17 05:06:32 · answer #8 · answered by Iceberg 2 · 0 0

keeper: Gordon banks
left defence: Gabriel Heinz
central defence: Fabio Canaveral
last man: Alexandro Nesta
right defence: Alexander Helb
left midfield: c.Ronaldo
central medfield: ryan giggs
central midfield: owen hagreaves ( bayern munich)
right midfield: david beckham
supporting forward: wayne rooney
striker: Thierry Henry

2006-10-17 04:24:10 · answer #9 · answered by smileefacee_2 1 · 0 4

Steven gerrard, Gerrard is popular irish name but may be spelt differently.
Trevor steven another retired player,think he played for Everton
The Charlton brothers, OK I know Charlton isn't a popular first name but it has been used.(Charlton Heston)

2006-10-17 04:22:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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