I wonder if the White Sox will have him back next year....
I'm pretty sure they don't allow murderers in MLB.
Why doesn't this Juan Uribe just give himself up to the Dominican authorities?
Does anybody care?
14 answers
asked by
➔ Baseball
What do you call shooting people?
What crime is that?
I believe it's assault with a deadly weapon,
which would be a felony just below,
if not on the same level as, armed robbery.
Assault with a Deadly Weapon: An aggravated assaut in which the defendant, controlling a deadly weapon, threatens the victim with death or seriouse
Assault and Battery are classified as Violent Crimes. Other types of Violent crimes include: Assault, Battery, Mayhem, Domestic Violence, Murder, Vehicular Manslaughter, Kidnapping, Arson, Terrorist Threats, Child Abuse, Carjacking, Hit & Run.
Consequences for the conviction of Assault and Battery may potentially include:
Probation or parole
Anger management class
Significant fines
Loss of the right to own a deadly weapon
02:17:56 ·
update #1