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25 answers

It's all rubbish.... how can anything be related to constellations of stars that are themselves seperated by billions of light years?

"Ooooh shall we have curry tonight or shall we have steak?" .... "I know... I'll look up in the sky in the vicinity of Ursa Major and maybe the stars will give me an inling!"

PLEASE.... we should seriously reconsider who we allow to vote!

2006-10-17 03:04:18 · answer #1 · answered by Harrison N 3 · 1 3

Virgo and Cancer

Virgo, the Virgin and Cancer, the Crab fit together like a hand and glove... both love home and hearth, and both are concerned with the nurturing and wellbeing of others. When you turn your caring sides towards each other, you can reach your goals and turn your dreams into reality. The two of you make an excellent team, whether you are romantically involved, family members, friends, or business partners.

Cancer is a leadership-oriented Cardinal Sign, while you were born under a more flexible, Mutable Sign. Cancer will naturally want to feel in charge, but has regular and sometimes debilitating mood swings. With your talent for communication and practical way of taking care of things, you can help the Crab to stay more balanced and productive. Cancer can truly blossom with your steadfast support, but you must guard against your favourite defence: criticism. Cancer has a wonderful, lunar sense of humour but won't take your barbs lightly. Learn to bite your tongue more often if you want to avoid having your normally delicious Cancerian lover hold a grudge against you. That's another thing the two of you have in common... you both are capable of retaining hurts (both real and imagined) for a very long time.

Because Cancer is a Water Sign and you are an Earth Sign, the chances are good that you will be fruitful and multiply. Whether you are creating children of the heart, body, or mind, the two of you make an excellent parenting team. In business relationships, your combined abilities are almost sure to guarantee at least a modest measure of success. Cancer has a knack for making a fortune grow, while you have the patience for tending to the necessary details. In creative endeavours, Cancer can help inspire Virgo. With your combined resourcefulness and imagination, this team shines on projects that require improvisation.

Cancer is protective, even possessive and can be a jealous lover, though more from insecurity than just the desire to dominate. For a loving, protective partner, who has wonderful bouts of creativity interspersed with dreamy romanticism, yet peppered with practicality, you need look no further than Cancer

This combination is one of the most natural and easy in the Zodiac. As kindred spirits, you will want to make the effort to get to know each other better. Even with stressful aspects between Moon and Ascendant, the two of you are likely to get along. This is a perfect match.

2006-10-17 03:14:06 · answer #2 · answered by quay_grl 5 · 0 0

I am Cancer, My Lover is Virgo

Refined, elegant Virgo is a superb communicator and fabulous conversationalist. Virgos make great writers; they are so precise about language. You may find yourself falling in love fairly soon, for Virgo is an earth sign and Cancer is water -- a fertile combo if there ever was one!

Astrologic textbooks like to make Virgos out to be dusty and dull because they have a shy or reserved quality. "Fine, underestimate me," Virgos say quietly to themselves. They like to take you by surprise with a torrent of passion on a dark, starry night. Make no mistake, Virgo can be a very skilled and ardent lover, especially when matched with an emotionally rich Cancer.

On a day-to-day, mundane level you also groove well. Virgos are practical, organized, and have the same security needs you do. They aren't nearly as moody as you are, thus provide strong grounding that withstands your ups and downs. You both are world-class worriers, so neither one will be able to calm the other down. Hopefully, you won't worry about the same thing at the same time! When upset, your upper stomach hurts, but Virgos' weak spot is the lower stomach. Neither of you can eat heavy foods and usually prefer light home cooking with plenty of vegetables.

Virgos are patient, even-tempered, and polite to a fault. They never squander money and they are exceptionally hard workers who always get ahead. Virgo is also ethical and can be counted on to do the right thing. That includes being faithful to you -- Virgos don't fool around.

With their sweet attentiveness, tender care, and lively wit, they will be a joy to be around! On this pairing I say yes, yes, yes!

2006-10-17 03:39:55 · answer #3 · answered by ~NEO~ 4 · 0 0

female cancer and male virgo

Generally speaking your earth signs and your water signs hit it off pretty well, and that is certainly a genuine possibility in this meeting. However, there is also a definite possibility that there will be some tensions between Virgo man and Cancer woman. It all stems from the fact that Mr Virgo can be a fairly distant chap. His friendships are few but deep (or we hope they are deep, because they are few). This is great for his friends, but lovers might find that he wants to keep too much independence and distance. Plenty of women can deal with this, but I do worry a bit as to whether or not Ms Cancer is one of them, she likes to know that she is No. 1. And if she gets annoyed and possessive, he'll just get more distant, and so forth. Avoid this vicious cycle if you want this to be fun.

Male Cancer and Female Virgo

This is a good mix for friendship and love. Cancer is cardinal, whilst Virgo is mutable, and astrologers tend to see cardinal man/mutable woman as a good meeting. This is not necessarily a sign that astrology is an arch-conservative subject that sees women as subservient, it's more that women usually have less ego problems than men, and are therefore happier to change for the benefit of close relationships. Especially mutable womenfolk such as Virgos. She will enjoy his charming attentions, he will appreciate her loyalty.

2006-10-17 03:36:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

CANCER with VIRGO: Virgo's demands may be a bit much for Cancer's desire for peace and quiet. The full, affectionate libido of cancer will not be completely satisfied by Virgo's direct approach to the practical matters at hand. Cancer is sentimental , reticent, and even shy about sex matters, and this can be very frustrating to the Virgo temperament. Once cancer goes into his shell, all the tongue lashing and nagging of Virgo will not bring him out. This could drive the Virgo mate into a state of hysteria.

2006-10-17 11:33:11 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

cancers are traditionalists, the one most likly to stay in there home town and the last to buy new technologies. Virgos ? the only thing I remember about them is that they are connected some how with nature and mother. for the virgo cancer could work but from the cancer side it might not, cancers tend to challange things in there life to see if there going to last, so the relation might be tested.
you should find your moon sign it also weighs heavy

2006-10-17 03:10:28 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Ib. 1 · 0 0

My hubby is a Cancerian and he is so loving, kind and considerate, a home bird and loves his family and friends, far too soft for his own good at times and can get a bit moody round the full moon, but don't we all get moody at times, Virgos are big headed and more interested in how they look than what their friends are like, they love their egos boosting all the time, but at the end of the day its how you are with each other and not always down to what star sign you are.

2006-10-17 04:19:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a cancer and a lot of my friends were virgos. Cancers are very loyal ,caring and protective. They can be moody too around the full moon especially. I find virgos to be very into their looks and appearance and having Cancers as their friends suited them as they boosted their egos and didnt need to compete with them.

2006-10-17 03:06:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It helps if the Virgo has cancer

2006-10-17 04:50:10 · answer #9 · answered by speedball182 3 · 0 0

Generally compatible, possible communication issues from square mercuries and the gemini venus guy might get a bit bored of venus aries girl after while. But at a quick glance a pretty great matchup.

2016-05-22 08:29:42 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hmmm, i do believe the position of the planets has some influence in the way your personality gets 'blueprinted' as it were.
But i also believe that without looking closer at the position of the planets in the houses at the time of birth it is of no use.
And the kind of answer you are looking for is out there somewhere on Google. As for a birth charts, there are a few free birth chart calculators out there. But then you would have to do one of both of you.
Have a nice Google :-)

2006-10-17 03:08:09 · answer #11 · answered by Part Time Cynic 7 · 0 0

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