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I am a 5' 11" sophmore and I weight about 105 pounds. People think I have an eating disorder when they first meet me. Truth is that I eat like a pig. I have been weight lifting and trying to gain some weight in muscle but still nothing. Any pointers?

2006-10-16 17:29:19 · 3 answers · asked by Luekas 4 in Health Men's Health

3 answers

Tips To Increase Weight Naturally
Being thin is good but being very thin and underweight is not good. You should consult a physician if you are a very very thin person. Lots of medical tests would help in revealing the root cause of the problem.

These are some points, which would help in increasing your weight:

Eating: The first important point to increase your weight is to eat well. Eat more than you burn calories. Eating food, which contains more fat is good for people who are thin. Drinking milk, cheese, chicken meat etc are some foods, which contain more fat.

Exercise: Most people think that thin people should not exercise, as they could get even thinner. But it is recommended that they exercise so that they feel hungrier and eat more. Taking nutritious

food would help the body gain weight. Do not lift heavy weight dumbbells in a gym; instead opt for low weight and do more repetitions.

There are lots of weight gain supplements available in the market, but they are not recommended. Instead have good amount of protein-enriched foods, fruits and products, which contain more fat. Eating lots of protein and fat, as it is very helpful in increasing your weight. So why wait! Start NOW.

2006-10-17 02:13:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, congrats u r on the right track!!!
continue with the weight training, but also seek the help of a professional gym leader who can tell you the correct way to do it.
eat lots of protein-rich stuff, like eggs, white meat and soya products.
lastly, know that some people are thin by way of birth, like, it's in their genes. you're future daughter/son are gonna inherit ur high metabolism frm u an they'll be real lucky(yeah i know this sounds corny but it's true)
so just feel good about urself.

2006-10-17 00:34:10 · answer #2 · answered by thehelper 3 · 1 0

Damn 105, I'm kinda the same way. My weight is about 170 though, i can't seem to gain any weight either. But i think i know why, its probably because i'm not eating breakfast. Which i plan on doing, plus i'm going to start drinking protein shakes. I couldn't tell you if this'll help cuz i'm not even sure either but at least its something right? oh yeah, thanks for the two points

2006-10-17 00:35:43 · answer #3 · answered by Ronnie M 2 · 0 1

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