Make arrangements in advance if you can, but you should be able to work out a payment schedule. Don't promise too much per month to one biller though, because there may be individual doctor, lab, drug bills from multiple entities. I pay each of the doctores, the hospital and the lab $20 a month a piece. I have been paying off my baby for 2 years. 1 more payment now, and he is all mine! :) Congratulations!
2006-10-16 16:03:31
answer #1
answered by questionasker 2
You can but if you have any insurance at all they can withold payment . I don't know if they would let you take the baby . Are you close to a county hospital where they would deliver you and you wouldn't have to pay . If you just go there when you are ready they cannot turn you away. Be as stubborn as they are -they may try to bluff you . You do not need to qualify for state assistance - just go when you need to! Officials try to scare you but hang in there . A lot of what they say is not the truth.I went to county in Phoenix when I had cancer and could not afford a doctor or hospital . My doctor gave me some clues on how to get in--I had to pretend extreme pain. I was signed up right away for county funds to pay for all of it. I do not thnk they cold keep the baby though they bluff about it. I am sure they don't want to support you or your baby and pay for daily life . I think you are going to be okay. I understand your situation and am praying for you .
2006-10-16 16:15:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think there is a good chance that if you speak to the billing department, they can set up some sort of payment plan.
2006-10-16 16:02:40
answer #3
answered by G.V. 6
G. V's Response is correct. just go and speak to billing and let them know your intentions and give them your details so they know where the bills can be sent. Honesty they appreciate. Take Care.....
2006-10-16 16:09:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
what are they going to do? keep you there until the bill's paid? re-posses you child maybe? worst thing they could do is take you to court and make a payment arrangement... go figure
2006-10-16 16:11:25
answer #5
answered by Grimm 2
Just say bill me. But I dont know about the insurance thing though.... Good luck : )
2006-10-16 16:07:20
answer #6
answered by redfire_88dragon 2
what can they do..I would just tell them to bill you. I never heard of them making you pay within hours of birth..what is the world comin to lol
2006-10-16 16:07:25
answer #7
answered by Jenn 1
Yes call them prior to delivery and make arrangements Hospitals will work with you good luck and congrats
2006-10-16 16:07:35
answer #8
answered by misty_51273 4
Try to get it arranged as soon as possible so you can be at peace about it. They will respect your question and integrity in asking about it in advance.
2006-10-16 16:11:28
answer #9
answered by g 3
yes and they have to take care of you. but your best bet is to talk to them and set up a payment plan.
2006-10-16 16:07:24
answer #10
answered by thebestbotintexas 2