That's a great idea...Bad drivers make the laws that speeders pay for....Also, while they are at it.....You have a parking ticket, fail to pay, go to court late again perhaps, and then they fine you and take away your license...How the heck are you able to pay the fines? Doesn't a penalty that debilitates your way to take care of it seem ridiculous..The legislatures intent is not to start someone out in the red position. Because, that person is likely to break the law in order to survive. In the past they had horses to work....Now, you need a car, period.
2006-10-16 15:52:55
answer #1
answered by bestgoodman 2
This is a double edged question. Yes, in some ways I agree with you. However, this is the time when those under the influence - alcohol and or drugs, or when drugs are being transported plus the Current highway's are not built to accommodate high speeds even though I do believe there is a definite need to update our roads.
Wonder where all the money went to take care of these issues?
Not keeping our roads, interstates, etc. well maintained is an issue.
I no longer drive at those hours due to the unconscious people on the road. I've always been strong believer in "Follow the $" and then you will be able to find the reason of the where and why and who. Good luck. If you keep trying to find the answers to the above, you'll find all the answers you want. Anita
2006-10-16 23:52:06
answer #2
answered by humanityunlimited 1
I doubt it. Do some research. When are drunks usually on the road? Aren't the dark hours when many people's vision is also impaired? What does the time range of cars have to do with it?
Oh well. "Guns don't kill, people do." So let's keep the guns & get rid of the people. Raising speed limits should have only to do with less travelled, & safer highways, not the time. Sad to say, but many accidents are caused by elderly people who shouldn't be driving at all. I think anyone over 65 should have to take ANNUAL DRIVING TESTS with LOTS of obstacles, & even then, many would drive without a license. If you're at all concerned about accidents, there is so very, very much more to consider.
2006-10-16 22:50:36
answer #3
answered by Valac Gypsy 6
That's completely insane. Cause like it or not there's still drivers who drink. And what better time for them than after 2 a.m. when the bars close. The one person's comment about them killing themselves is ridiculous because it's the other innocent people on the road who's lives are at risk as well. I should know, my fiance was killed by a drunk driver.
So raising the speed limit is stupid, especially between those hours.
And yes, speeders cause accidents too. They're the ones weaving in and out of traffic trying to get somewhere fast......
Pay attention ! ! ! !
2006-10-16 22:47:46
answer #4
answered by Sweetea 4
Speed limits are the fastest it is safe to drive on that stretch of road at optimum driving conditions. So if driving conditions are the best between 1am and 6am then you can drive the speed limit. You should drive slower during other times. Driving faster is unsafe no matter the conditions.
So no if anything all speed limits should be lowered because people think it is safe to speed.
2006-10-16 23:24:42
answer #5
answered by AlwaysRight 3
According to studies regarding circadian rhythm, a person's performance both mentally and physically is at its lowest between 3-6 am. Increasing speed when reaction times and alertness is lower doesn't make sense. Companies with shift work notice this as well as work is slower and more mistakes are made on assembly lines during the graveyard shift.
2006-10-16 23:25:03
answer #6
answered by WildBill846 2
I don't know if that would be a good idea. Reaction time is lower at night due to lower visibility. A tremendous amount of wild animals are nocturnal and have a tendency to be drawn towards headlights. Deer, Elk, Moose, felines of all sizes, rodents, etc. etc. etc. The chances of colliding with some of these animals is much greater at night. Combine that with higher speeds, you have a deadly accident on your hands for both the animal and human.
2006-10-16 22:43:48
answer #7
answered by holdemfoldem911 3
those mean big government agencies! they make me wear my seat belt and make my kids get vaccinations and make up speed limits! i should do whatever i want right now! freedom!!
they make speed limits up whenever they make a road, as far as i know there are no cars that magically stick to the ground or anything yet, physics is psysics
an object going 50 on the 25 offramp tends tp fly off said offramp
the drunk driver usually survives with a broken leg or nose and eternal guilt. however, the most lethal demographic these days is people in "sport"-"utility" vehicles talking on cell phones those monsters are lethal globally except on the inside.
suvs kill entire families riding in station wagons, sedans and coupes as well as 250,000 or 500,000 iraquis maybe your neighbors son or daughter.
there is an empty house down the street from me, everybody was killed except the little girl who is in a coma, all 3 plus the girl were casualities of a woman in a spankin new navigator on her cell phone yay the navigator has the highest crash test rating, she didnt even need her seatbelt to kill all those people. its a nucular arms race on the road.
god bless america, sierra club
2006-10-16 22:45:51
answer #8
answered by peretestecles_epic_hero 1
The lights should be set to change more often. Changing the speed limit at night is not good becuase of the lack of vision.
2006-10-16 22:38:07
answer #9
answered by Squawkers 4
yeah that would deffinatly be a smart idea... usually really bad accidents happen from drunk driving when people are coming home from parties and whatnot. it is also harder to drive at night because you cant see as well as you can in the daytime, and people who are driving at night are often tired. theres also wild animals especially deer and other things that come out at night and crossing the road. so having them go slower would really make the roads safer i think... i think i also saw that they are actually doing this in some states on the msn homepage one day...
2006-10-16 22:45:07
answer #10
answered by christine 3