There are two reasons:
1. People believed that when you sneezed the devil entered your body, and so it was nessicary to say God Bless You to get the devil back out.
2. Your heart stops for a fraction of a second when you sneeze, and so to make sure it keeps beating, people say God Bless You.
Also it's a nice thing to say if you're sick.
2006-10-16 15:39:05
answer #1
answered by fireballfanaticgirl 2
It comes from the ancient belief that the soul could escape from the body during a sneeze. This was originally a Greco-Roman idea and was originally Jupiter bless you, then later became a more generic The Gods Bless You and after the conversion to christianiyt the custom remained and was simply change dto God Belss You. Just an old Pagan belief thave coudlnt be removed by the conversion becasue it was too much a part of the culture and the peoples lives.
2006-10-16 15:40:15
answer #2
answered by kveldulfgondlir 5
I am not sue when it begin and where but it has been around for ages that when someone sneezes there heart stops for that quick second,so people say God Bless You for the simple fact that u wont die while sneezing.
2006-10-16 15:45:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The custom of saying "God bless you" after a sneeze was begun literally as a blessing. Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD) ascended to the Papacy just in time for the start of the plague (his successor succumbed to it). Gregory (who also invented the ever-popular Gregorian chant) called for litanies, processions and unceasing prayer for God's help and intercession. Columns marched through the streets chanting, "Kyrie Eleison" (Greek for "Lord have mercy"). When someone sneezed, they were immediately blessed ("God bless you!") in the hope that they would not subsequently develop the plague.
2006-10-16 15:48:28
answer #4
answered by lithium l 2
Because back in the day, when people sneezed, they thought they would get sick (the black plague that was huge and killing a lot of people.) So they said God Bless you to that person her sneezed, a hope that they wouldnt get it.
2006-10-16 15:45:25
answer #5
answered by pritty_eyed_baby 2
Your heart stops when you sneeze. Giving you a blessing is a nice way of saying I care.
2006-10-16 15:47:48
answer #6
answered by mstrywmn 7
That began in the middle ages when they thought sneezes drove the soul out of your body. So friends had to say a quick God Bless You so that it could get back in again.
2006-10-16 15:37:28
answer #7
answered by Rich Z 7
Hmmm. If I remember right, supposedly, your soul leaves your body for a millisecond, or something like that when you sneeze. I guess the "God Bless" or "Bless You" is supposed to be a prayer for you in case you don't make it back...... I'm sure someone will give you the correct answer here.
2006-10-16 15:41:09
answer #8
answered by Bikerbutt 3
Many many many years ago, it was believed that when you sneezed you were the closest you could get to death- not sure why, but I've read that several times. Thus, saying God Bless You would protect you in case you croaked.
2006-10-16 15:38:53
answer #9
answered by Pooh-Z 2
This may be an old wives tale, but I heard it is because your heart skips a beat when you sneeze. People say God bless you to encourage it to start beating again.
2006-10-16 15:38:03
answer #10
answered by denpita 2