Sorry you just sound too intelligent and logical, watch out, women
are going to dislike you.
2006-10-16 15:40:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well there is actually alot behind it.
based on the kinds of jobs women regularly get and how they are represented in the work force, most women do not have higher paying, higher end professional jobs ( ex, law, medicine, engineering, business ) etc. Because of this, the average amount of money women ( in general) earn will be less than that of men. Women and men who do the exact same job get the same pay ( with SOME discrimination I will add) , but you should be asking why arnt more women in science, math, higher end business, etc? Why aren't more women in roles of management ( huge $$$$). That would really balance the pay role gap.
as for your harassment claim, there is only so much a person can tolerate. I'm will never sit here and say the occasional trouser talk is appropriate, but when you have a co-worker practically down your skirt its a different story. They may not be down your skirt, but they are sending subtle messages on what they think based on what they say. IT works all the time, that way.
2006-10-16 16:26:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It stems from the insane belief that males and females are the SAME. 'Sameness' has been confused by women as equal. Gold formed into a bowl has the same value as gold formed into a plate. But they are not the same, nor are they for the same purpose. What is really crazy .. is that women have used sex as the great 'equalizer'. Giving themselves away for FREE has NOT made them more valuable in the eyes of men. Nothing free has value. Never never in history was a whore seen as valuable to society or men. They have always been considered the lowest of all classes. Even in sexually perverse Rome - where even the screwing of animals was an ok practice ... whores and prostitutes were objects and had NO honor. There is one thing that yield great power .... love. The feminist movement purged this from society and replaced it with 32 lbs of silicone and porn. Women could have a great deal of power, but instead they have chosen enslavement. *** also consider that while women are more educated and make as much or more than men ... we are still plagued with mental illness such as anxiety, depression and ANGER. Women are unhappy and the reason they always complain. Being a man does not make a woman happy. Never will.
2016-05-22 07:55:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Because statistics have shown they are generally paid less. Now, whether or not the studies take into account any average differences in work experience, I don't know. But it would be a ludicrous to complain about being paid a small percentage less, even a moderate one, than a male if you, the female, have worked for a third of the time said male has. As for how you react to your coworkers, that's your choice. It doesn't obligate other women to react as you have. I can't say a woman has been a "beotch" without having seen the situation she supposedly behaved bitchy in.
2006-10-16 15:40:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because some companies have two different pay scales, this is going to the way side more each year. Mainly the women that complain are the ones that took time out to raise children so that when they do come back into the work force they want to make the same money as someone who never left it. They also want more flexible hours to take care of their children and other perks that men do not get or are harder for men to get.
2006-10-16 15:40:42
answer #5
answered by andy 7
Women are often underpaid because they cannot do some things that men could perform. Thus, some employers pay more for men and less for women but should not be the case if both have the same position.
2006-10-16 16:04:11
answer #6
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
People complain in general. Ever seen a nearly all female work environment. A man could get seriously hurt with the estrogen overload.
Oh my...its the Rocky Mountain Oyster Cowboy^^^^^^^^!
2006-10-16 15:42:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because in 2004 women with full time jobs made only 76.5% as much as men with full time jobs. Clearly something systematic is going on that gives higher paying jobs to men.
2006-10-16 16:03:41
answer #8
answered by James 7
Some women are actually harrased. But some are not, and you are right, they do scream harrasment, and not just women. They do ruin it for the ones who are actually harrased, but that's just life. People will always take advantage.
2006-10-16 15:38:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
These women are making excuses for their feelings of inferiority. A confidant woman wouldn't say anything.
2006-10-16 15:40:25
answer #10
answered by Viakin 2
Who knows... all I know is that I tip female strippers much more than I do male strippers... what are they complaining about?
2006-10-16 15:43:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous