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Incredible DREAM! Maybe a past life?
I am a 32 year old heterosexual male. This is a dream unlike any other I've had! The realism was INCREDIBLE! I was in a nightclub from the 30's or 40's. I was sitting at a table when I realized that I was a woman! I looked down at myself and noticed a pair of very large breasts coming out of my chest! I was wearing a VERY tight silver gown that had LOTS of cleavage! I even had long blond hair (my hair is short and dark brown)! My whole body felt weird! I looked around and there was a man wearing a tuxedo sitting next to me (I had never seen this guy in my life!).I stood up and felt the tight dress pressing against my boobs, very narrow waist, and what seemed to be a HUGE butt! As I started to walk, I noticed how difficult it was because of the high heels I was wearing, and the tightness of the dress! I also felt my now long hair brushing against my back and shoulders. I asked a waiter where the restrooms were and I had a girl's voice!
When I reached the bathroom I saw myself in a full length mirror and couldn't believe it! I was a very beautiful woman that I had never seen before (maybe in her high 20's), I had very large breasts overflowing the cleavage, and I was wearing the tight gown that hugged my whole body! I was even wearing pantyhose (I could even feel them swishing against the dress as I walked!). I had very wide hips and very full thighs; I actually felt them through the dress! I stared at my reflection and I saw every detail of my body and face (I remember it perfectly!). I had long wavy blond hair and even make up (I could even taste the glossy red lipstick!). I had long, bright red fingernails, rings on my fingers, bracelets, a small gold watch, a diamond necklace (which I've never seen before but I could describe it perfectly), and I could feel the earrings dangling from my ears! I stood in front of the mirror checking myself out for a VERY long time (what seemed to me like more that 30 minutes)! I could feel my breasts like there were MINE! This continued until a very attractive brunette girl (that I had never seen before in my life either), entered the bathroom and told me: "Is there something wrong Samantha? Victor is worried about you!" I just stood there without saying anything, thinking this was a dream because I knew who I am in real life. I was just waiting to wake up but I didn't! I wanted to continue checking myself out, but this girl (that was dressed very elegantly too!) took me back to the table. The incredible thing is the perfect detail of everything! It’s as though I was really there! As I walked beside her I could again feel the tight dress against my voluptuous body and my breasts jiggling with every step I took! As I approached the table the man in the tuxedo (who I assume was Victor) stood up and said: "Are you all right darling?" I answered in the strange female voice: "I'm fine, thanks." The other girl then whispered to me: "You don't seem like yourself Samantha". In that instant I woke up feeling very weird! It was as if I had REALLY been there! I remember every detail of the place and of the people as if I was just there a few moments ago! What does this mean? Was I in the past? Maybe a past life? Who was this blond girl? Can anyone help?

2006-10-16 13:34:18 · 8 answers · asked by HeadH 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

8 answers

This dream is too vivid to be a dream. It could be you were on a astral plane. But, personally to me you are not describing an out of body experience. It seems to me that you were reliving or stepping into another persons body from the past. It could very well have been your past life that you tapped into, or it could have been someone Else's. The reason I am leaning toward your past life, is because of how you describe "yourself", you are declaring that this body is "yours"; you are not discribing that this "person" had breast, you are saying that "you" had breast. I think that you instinctively know when it is you in a past life.

2006-10-16 13:52:52 · answer #1 · answered by mischa 6 · 0 0

This dream, could be something from your past or another person's past who is close to you (a friend, maybe) or someone who you have encountered in the past (Samantha/the brunette/Victor) and is now coming to your subconscious through your dreams. Or, it could just be a scene you've watched before on TV but is already old enough for you to remember. It's a nice dream, though whether it is a glimpse from your past or just a scene created by your mind.

2006-10-16 13:51:42 · answer #2 · answered by Monzi 2 · 0 0

I had something weird happen like that to me when I was younger. I had a very real dream that I was a little boy about 6 or 7 (I am a female) and my mother (not MY mother... this boys mother who I had never seen before) came in the room and starting beating me. So, I grabbed something (I am almost positive it was a baseball trophy... you know those little ones you get when your team wins a baseball game in elementary school) and starting beating her in the head... it was very real.

I guess it could be a past life... but, we'll never know...

2006-10-16 13:43:03 · answer #3 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 0 0

if it was from a past life, you wouldn't have been in control. it would have been a memory of something that had already happened. I don't believe in this stuff. It just seems to make sense that it was more of a deep desire than a moment in the past.

have you watched a movie set in that time period lately?

2006-10-16 13:56:32 · answer #4 · answered by moley 2 · 1 0

It could be a past life that you lived, or you might be 'reading the "mind"' of a dead person. Is there really any difference? It is worth something because you can find wisdom from experiencing life from a different perspective. Be this a past life of your own or the life of a dead person.

2006-10-16 13:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Either a past life or you really want to be a woman VERY badly.

2006-10-16 13:42:46 · answer #6 · answered by trafficjams 4 · 0 0

that's a poor dream. i've got not got self assurance in previous lives myself, besides the certainty that I incredibly have unusual aims with reference to the previous. i'm curious if we can endure in strategies, or dream problems with the previous do to our DNA from our ancestors.

2016-10-19 12:47:33 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

So much detail.

Is it really a dream, or a fantasy?

If the latter, don't worry; we all fantasise about situations to which we cannot aspire.

2006-10-17 09:12:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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