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is it normal for six straight guys to give eachother back rubs and grab eachothers shoulders and backs and hug eachother uncontrollably two of them have girlfriends so thats where i get confused maybe its a cover up....im no so sure and well they claim to be straight but by the looks of it they look so gay its rainbow brite everyday in my eyes...at first i was like what the hey the guys tired why not let a friend give him a sexy back rub but after weeks and months of back rubs i was starting to think homeboy needs to get that back checked...so what do you think?

2006-10-16 12:59:58 · 22 answers · asked by gigi 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

and no these guys arnt athletes their lazy *** bums and if their so straight does that mean straight guys look at gay porn too while the other dude rubs his man shoulders? your answers are great, confusing, true..etc some helped kind of

2006-10-16 13:16:42 · update #1

22 answers

They are totally gay. I would rather have a woman step on my privates with high heels then give a guy a back rub.

2006-10-16 13:33:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

To grab each others shoulders and backs and even to hug each other is not gay in my opinion, for men. However, for six guys to give back rubs to each other, that definitely sends up a red flag for me.

I know of no men who do such a thing, and I have had many male friends and acquaintances. Most guys are very careful not to be too touchy/feely around each other, at least in public. And they most assuredly would not let it be known to others that they gave back rubs to each other.

Then again, what you might be witnessing is an adolescent clique. These guys might have bonded, maybe in defiance of the sports people, and do certain things together that differentiates them from other groups in the school.

2006-10-16 17:42:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

like my psyc teacher said why is it so bad or weird that girls can go to the bathroom together and no one thinks any thing about it but let two guys have a back rub or go to the bathroom together they are gay, its the way that people think. So maybe they are maybe they aren't maybe they are curious, maybe they are just putting on a front. no one really knows

2006-10-16 13:28:41 · answer #3 · answered by jumpinjackdw 3 · 1 0

Wow...wow....wow...These guys are just secure with their sexuality (their straight sexuality). I am bisexual, but i have lots of straight friends (believe ME THEY ARE STRAIGHT! LIKE A ROD!) and they give me massages knowing full well I am bisexual. They know that they are not bisexual or homosexual, they know they are heterosexual, so they are not insecure like almost every other guy.

I hug all my friends, heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, there is nothing wrong with that. Hell, some of my REALLY straight friends (and these are like the straightest guys ever) kiss me on the cheek when we see each other. Just because they aren't Homophobic doesn't mean they are Homosexual! People in Europe kiss each other on the cheeks too.

My teacher who is married (and straight) gave me a massage when I was in high school. Massages don't have to be sexual. And neither do hugs or kisses.

Hell, I used to kiss my dad on the lips and my sister used to kiss my mom on the lips, does that mean we used to be homosexual? NO! Me and my male cousin do **** to freak people out (like dry hump and kiss), but we aren't gonna have sex or even think about the possibility of having sex! GEEEZ! And guys that refuse to let another guy touch them or hug them, and stuff like that, are just extremely homophobic and ignorant OR are really insecure about their sexuality and have thoughts about being homosexual or bisexual.

2006-10-16 13:52:07 · answer #4 · answered by Serious 2 · 2 1

STRAIGHT guys do that **** to be "CUTE" they think its funny to act gay dudes at my skewl do it all the tiime this one boy Chris kissed another boy just for jokes they were trying to be funny you lip on lip but just smoot like peck kiss guys do that **** all the time especially white guys just a little fun lol.but it could be gayness never knoe

2006-10-16 13:21:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Sounds pretty darn gay to me unless they are physical or massage therapists by profession. Having a girlfirend doesn't mean anything except maybe they're bi.

2006-10-16 13:05:59 · answer #6 · answered by DeeDee 3 · 0 1

Yeah, they could possibly be gay. Maybe everything is a cover up but sometimes people try to pretend to be gay to be funny.

2006-10-16 13:30:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's normal if they're baseball players. :-)

Seriously, why should anyone care? It's none of your business unless you're looking to get in on the act.

Being "normal" is highly overrated in any event.

2006-10-16 13:10:46 · answer #8 · answered by Bramblyspam 7 · 2 1

Sounds weird to me. My straight guy friends refuse to have another man touch them.

2006-10-16 13:17:07 · answer #9 · answered by The It Girl ∆☻乐 5 · 1 1

Why does it concern you why they rub each other's shoulders? Are you jealous?

2006-10-16 13:56:38 · answer #10 · answered by gc27858 4 · 1 0

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