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I already own my own business, but also work (full time for 6 years) as a 1099 sub for another company. Looking to make the leap out of the security of the 1099 and into my own company. I tend to be worried about failure, and tend to self sabotage my own business endeavors. Seems im afraid of success also :) So looking for someone who has been through a similar situation and can offer me some advice. Thanks in advance.

2006-10-16 12:42:43 · 2 answers · asked by calcdffirefighter 3 in Business & Finance Small Business

2 answers

Here are some places where you can find a mentor:

- Government Mentoring Programs such as SBDCs, which works with community colleges and local business development councils to offer mentoring programs http://www.sba.gov/sbdc/sbdcnear.html ; or the Women's Network for Entrepreneurial Training http://www.sba.gov/womeninbusiness/wnet_roundtables.html

- Volunteer programs such as SCORE http://www.score.org which is composed of mostly retired executives and entrepreneurs

- Formal mentoring programs such as Athena Foundation http://www.athenafoundation.org/programs/globallinks.html , Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program http://www.helzbergmentoring.org/HEMP/ , or The Aspen Institute MicroMentor Program http://www.micromentor.org

- Professional organizations such as the National Women’s Business Council http://www.nwbc.gov/Mentoring/programs.html

- Industry and trade associations

- Local business groups, such as the chamber of commerce

- Local chapters of business groups

2006-10-16 12:57:28 · answer #1 · answered by imisidro 7 · 0 0

You need a set of Tony Robbins tapes. He deals with all your problems. Its called Personal Power. Buy it off ebay. I listened to them over and over and believe thier partly responsible for my success. I am now a multi millionaire. I started with nothing. Good luck

2006-10-16 19:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by us citizen 5 · 0 0

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