Seek out your local Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered community outreach program (You can probably Google it). There you can meet others like yourself. Most likely, they have groups that meet weekly where you can discuss your feelings, or meet one on one with a counselor. This is a VERY personal time for your heart, and don't ever let anyone lead you to believe that you are less of a person for how you feel. You may want to hold off telling your parents (especially if they are extremely religous), as you yourself have not sorted through how you feel. And NEVER, let anyone tell you how you SHOULD feel. You have the right as a human to love yourself, and those around you! Best of luck! Billy
2006-10-16 13:22:13
answer #1
answered by wmcrna 1
It's all about attraction. Who are you attracted to? More often than not is is one sex, both, the same, the opposite? Only you can answer yourself. If you're having doubts or trouble, just take a break from it all and let life develop as it does. Best of luck.
2006-10-16 12:52:22
answer #2
answered by zea_m 2
I can tell by some of the ignorant answers you got that some need to educate themselves so bad. It's normal to have feelings for women and men. It's normal to be curious. Only you can tell if your bi/lesbian or not. Don't stress over it...
2006-10-16 12:51:45
answer #3
answered by Lipstick 6
dont listen to all these people on here.
only you will know.
its not the kind of thing someone can help you decide
you either are or you arent
and you will def know when the time is right,
it isnt wrong to have feelings for a girl or a boy or both
its just who you are so embrace it
2006-10-16 12:50:50
answer #4
answered by justine 2
I'm not a girl, but it bears repeating: please do show caution with people online. Regardless of your gender, age, or orientation, there's creeps that aren't always overtly creeps. Good luck sorting things out.
2006-10-18 17:04:13
answer #5
answered by Atropis 5
I beilive you are born gay, therefore, have you always been attracted to girls non playtonically? (how ever you spell it!).
Also, in my GSA at school, we did a scale thing (can't remember the name), it goes from 0-6. 0 is you are not attracted to girls in anyway, 3 three is you are, but also boys, 6 is you are not attracted to boys in anyway.
Good luck!
2006-10-16 12:55:38
answer #6
answered by ilovewicked19 2
WhiteRose, You're the one who have been brainwash. If you think even a preacher can change the fact that someone is lesbian. There's even homosexual preachers. You can't pray homosexual attraction away and you never lost her because she was never heterosexual. That's what you refuse to get.
2006-10-16 12:53:29
answer #7
answered by What'd You Say? 6
well you dont choose if your bi or lez u either are or arent. try experimenting i added u on my page its megan aka megz. and no thats not true homosexuals dont only think about sex. and another thing str8 people think about sex as much as gay people do.
2006-10-16 13:02:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm a girl. What can I help you with?? Just go with what you feel!!
Only you can make that choice base on your inner feelings about your relationships. Nobody is perfect, so don't intend to be!!
2006-10-16 12:43:06
answer #9
answered by Rainbow Brite 3
You can write to me if you want. I promise to listen and provide objective advise.
2006-10-16 12:59:26
answer #10
answered by Cichlid 2