My domestic partner of 14 years. She's my first and only. If I couldn't touch her I would think she was a figment of my imagination....She's beautiful in looks and in soul...
2006-10-16 12:13:29
answer #1
answered by Lipstick 6
I know this is predictable, but oh well, I find my fiance the hottest person I know. Why? Because he is the sweetest person in the world, one who treats me like a queen and is sincere in his devotion. He always listens to me when I talk, is consistantly ready to help me out in the kitchen or around the house, and is always tender and loving. I am the luckiest woman alive and how could I not find this man the hottest man I know? It takes a lot more than physical looks to make a person hot in my eyes, though my man is about as cute as a puppy. Well, he wouldn't like it put that way, lol, however, he IS simply the hottest man alive for me. I suppose we each have our ideas of what is hot and what is not. Pun intended! lol
2006-10-16 13:35:10
answer #2
answered by Serenity 7
My girlfriend would be the answer for obvious reasons. Personally, crush wise, it would have to be Gretel Killeen - host of Big Brother Australia.
She is just one hot yummy mummy. If I can look that good at 43 I'd be happy. She is sexy. She has a great personality. I love her sense of humour. I love the way she moves her hands. I love how she can handle people. I love that she does charity work in the little time that she has. I love that I can see her so easily as BB evictions are only an hour away.
2006-10-16 13:39:28
answer #3
answered by gretphemelger 5
Juliette Lewis the actress and singer makes me feel funny-good inside. She is a good bit younger than me, but never mind, she just turns all the circuits on, and I don't go gaga over public personalities.
There is a person whom I have met who is extending more understanding and caring than anyone has in a long time, in the way that I need it...if I could flower, I would!!!
2006-10-16 12:20:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The beautician from a boutique near my home. She is stunning when you see her and has a great attitude. I would love to have a girls night out if you know what I mean. She is so professional and sexy. I might just ask her out for a coffee and see how she likes her dessert.
2006-10-16 13:09:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A girl named Dinah. She lives down the hall. Not only is she beautiful, she's confident, intelligent and sociable. A real likable girl. I and I like her a lot... I mean a lot.
2006-10-16 12:32:30
answer #6
answered by Ha Ha! 3
My best friend. He's straight though :( He's not even super hot he's just a really cool guy and nice and funny and has a nice smile and I could just go on and on.
2006-10-16 15:52:40
answer #7
answered by JR 5
a close friend of mine. there is something about her that just makes me feel so happy to be around her.
2006-10-16 13:52:18
answer #8
answered by ladyjamie 6
Check this hottie out:
An activist, an artist AND a psychic channeler... OMFG!
I seriously wanna suck me some tattoo... mmmmnnnggghhhhh!
2006-10-16 12:49:01
answer #9
answered by revenueforge 4
My girl friend because feminine, kind, intelligent and because she never gives up on me.
2006-10-16 12:31:10
answer #10
answered by The It Girl ∆☻乐 5