They are not two sides of the same coin. But many don't know that due to the propaganda from the politicians in the pockets of the business community.
The opposite of Socialism (which is a great idea but will never work) is Free Enterprise, where you can reap the benefits of your labor.
Capitalism is basically usury and leads to fascism if allowed to, as it is currently in the U.S.
Capitalism is not wholly compatible with Free Enterprise as at the extreme as we can see, it takes away the products of your labor, and like Socialism, deposits them at the doorstep of the politically corrupt and their supporters.
2006-10-16 07:53:24
answer #1
answered by Gaspode 7
Capitalism is the economics of greed, the rich defend their right to get richer but it is really not working all that well for the poor and middle class. I think some things need to be socialized in order to protect those that are left out of the American dream. Socialized medicine is a good example 45 million people are without access to affordable health care in this country. That would be a shame if any other country was doing it. It is the shame of America that in a country so rich is excluding so many from this basic human need.
2006-10-16 14:48:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Socialism is a doomed system even though it will work for decades eventually it will collaspe. Socialism is like 10 people carrying 1 person above their shoulder no problem , 2 no problem, 5 a little harder by the time you get to 10 carrying 10 it,s start's braking down very simple.
2006-10-16 15:01:42
answer #3
answered by Ynot! 6
Only time can tell,Very difficult to answer at this time.e.g. in socialism you will have to pay 2 dollars for each Banana or 150 dollars for a short you will not be able to exploit other little countries and get the things literally for free.But on the other hand capitalism has committed so many cardinal sins and mistakes you don't have to change it .it will die under its own weight.Oh another thing socialism can only work with educated and civic,no place for thieves and exploiters which most of the humans are.
2006-10-16 14:53:38
answer #4
answered by Dr.O 5
Why it defends Capitalism? Why not. It is because the vision of our values.
Could the concepts of values be wrong?
2006-10-16 14:58:16
answer #5
answered by chanljkk 7
As socialism is based on freedom, and is an economic system that places emphasis on the people while capitalism is a system that is generally opposed to freedom, and is an economic system that places emphasis on capitalists as opposed to people socialism would work better than capitalism.
We have seen how capitalism failed in Soviet Russia and other Communist (aka command capitalism) states and how it is now failing the United States that it would make sense that we would be a socialist state but I doubt that it can work in the United States because any economic system that has as its basis the idea that the role of the government and the capitalist is to control the economy and that the people should have no control over the economy.
People just won't accept that kind of freedom as they want to be in control and no capitalist is going to let you or me have a say in how the economy should work as they think it belongs to them and they will make sure that the government regulates the economy in their favor as the government in a capitalist society is an extension of that control and is opposed to economic freedom.
2006-10-16 14:46:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Socialists believe what they do out of ignorance of basic economics, ignorance of human motivation, and an unwillingness to admit that they were wrong for so many decades.
Capitalism, which is not a perfect system (no system ever will be), has produced more wealth, more technology, higher life expectancy, education and opportunity for all people.
Even many of the "poor" drive two cars, own a DVD player, air conditioning, heating, microwave ovens, etc. Marxist countries, in the meantime, have achieved their vision of equality: equal misery and poverty for all.
2006-10-16 14:44:27
answer #7
answered by C = JD 5
America was founded on principles of capitalism and self-sufficiency. We do not need others to take care of us, make our decisions, raise our children, or tell us what to eat. We are our own people, earning our own money, and supporting ourselves.
2006-10-16 14:54:43
answer #8
answered by Goose&Tonic 6
Good question, saddly it's a hard one to Answer. We have a giant wage gap, but so does France. I'm not sure how Socialism would work in a Country this size. Maybe it's time to count our losses and break down in to smaller countries. By the way, we have a lot less freedoms than our two bordering friends.
2006-10-16 14:45:17
answer #9
answered by Rachel Dreadful 2
under the capitalism in the usa every perso is supose to profit from his indivual labor, meaning you live acording to what you work and make for your self. If you wanna have more you try harder on your own . under a socalisist regime everyone is supose to have the same. You are not rewarded for any extra effort and if you neighbor decides not to work and go fishing he gets the same pay that you get if you worked all week. this is about as short and simple as i can tell you. If you can show me a better system in another country that has been in operation as the us government and survived i'll go there and become a citizen.
2006-10-16 14:43:54
answer #10
answered by roy40372 6