Bush is the worst President ever because when he had a choice, he chose cronyism. Remember his do nothing approach to the California energy gaming situation?. His steel tariffs? His Plan D for seniors?
Bush is the worst President ever because when he had a choice, he chose radical religion. Remember his stem cell research solution? His polarization of gays? His Terry Schiavo moment?
Bush is the worst President ever because when he had a choice, he chose cowboy diplomacy. Remember the E-2 plane being shipped home in a crate? North Korea? Refusing to let the arms inspectors in Iraq?
Bush is the worst President ever because when he had a choice, he chose to lie. Remember allowing NYC residents back into the city with the toxic air? His budget numbers? His denial of knowing Lay and Abramoff?
These are all facts and history books will record that.
2006-10-16 13:02:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, that's an important question. The question itself totally discounts the need for any factual basis for the memory, and actually presupposes that the memory will be totally fabricated.
For example, how is Carter remembered? He's remembered as a good man. He's not remembered for the deeper truths, that it was on HIS watch that the Islamic Jihadists first got their very own country, Iran, because of Carter's total stupidity. He's not remembered for 19% home mortgage interest rates. He's not remembered for giving away the Panama Canal.
How is Nixon remembered? He's remembered for Watergate, despite the fact that it was a meaningless political stunt that no one ever directly tied him to. He's not remembered for his work in normalizing relations with China, credit for that is given to Jimmy Carter who didn't do anything new except back down on the issue of Taiwan with the Communists.
How is Reagan remembered? Is he remembered for winning the Cold War and the reunification of Germany and Berlin, the elimination of the entire Soviet Union? No, he's largely ignored.
I'd like to say I don't care how history will remember Bush, but since I feel safe in presuming it will be a lie, I am saddened that morons like you will write it.
2006-10-16 12:41:47
answer #2
answered by open4one 7
While I'm sure that numerous people would love to say that Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents we've had, the answer can't really be determined yet. Many former presidents that we consider the greatest in our history were hated during their actual presidency. There are several well known examples.
First, Woodrow Wilson. Many Americans remember him fondly for his handling of World War I and his attempts to mediate the peace process once the war had ended. His idea for the League of Nations was unprecedented, and was of course the predecessor of the United Nations. However, his plan for peace in Europe was rejected by the European powers who wanted to punish Germany more harshly. His plan failed, the League of Nations became an organization with no power, and the most people will agree that the sanctions placed on Germany by the European nations ultimately led to World War II. Wilson's failure to successfully implament his plan for peace led to a huge drop in his approval ratings, and most of the American people felt he had been a terrible and ineffective president. Quite a contrast to how we view him today.
Abraham Lincoln is another such president. In 1863, before Gettysburg, Lincoln had one of the worst approval ratings in presidential history until that time, and most Americans had lost faith in his ability to handle the war with the Confederate States (much like how Bush is viewed today). While confidence was restored with the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln's approval remained low until his assasination in 1865. Today, Lincoln is actually remembered as our greatest president over the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. I doubt that people during Lincoln's time would have ever foreseen that.
Getting back to Bush, our historical examples show that we can't answer this yet. Personally, I believe that it will come down to success or failure in Iraq. If even a mock democracy is maintained for a time, Bush will be credited with its success; this would cause historians to regard him as a great president. If democracy completely fails in Iraq, Bush will be blammed, and his legacy will be that of a failure. I don't believe he will be regarded as the worst president in our history though; that position is usually given to presidents who have done nothing, namely Martin VanBuren and others in the 19th century. Does that name ring a bell? Probably not, and that's why Bush won't be regarded as the worst of presidents. He's done something people will remember, regardless of success or failure.
Hopefully that helps. I know its a bit long, sorry for that.
2006-10-16 12:48:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Who cares how history remembers George Bush.... It's really how he comes before the Throne of God on Judgement Day that counts! If doesn't completely change his human rights record, he'll go to hell! People are not vermin, Georgie!
2006-10-16 14:40:13
answer #4
answered by Jennifer T 1
As the President who brought peace to the middle east
2006-10-16 12:50:49
answer #5
answered by I HATE LIBERALS 1
The Warren Harding of the 21st century.
2006-10-16 12:51:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A good president who had 8 years of inaction from scumbag Bill Clinton dropped in his lap. A good man who loves his country and the people in it. A good president who unlike the libs, hates the scumbags who attacked us on 9-11.
2006-10-16 12:25:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Come on sweetie, we all know he will be remembered as the one President, who unlike Bil-hil, had the balls to fight back against terrorists...;)
2006-10-16 17:05:58
answer #8
answered by Katz 6
I'm hoping as the first US president to serve a life sentence for treason.
2006-10-16 13:19:24
answer #9
answered by john_stolworthy 6
As a good president who drove idiot liberal twits into deranged lunacy.
Hey, you ask a stupid question, I give a snappy answer!
2006-10-16 12:46:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous