if your right hand itches .............youll meet someone new ..............if your left hand ithces youll get some money..........if your nose itches someones coming over with a hole in their britches........if you walk over a broomstick lying in the floor youll get unwanted company..........if someone sweeps under your feet youll get married.........if you are walking with someone and you let a pole come inbetween you say bread and butter or its bad luck.........if you sneeze seven times in a row youll sneeze your soul away.........if your door blows open you say come in jesus........to get rid of unwanted spirtits you sprinkle salt in all the corners of the house...........all of them or they will just hide in the ones not sprinkled........if someone dies in the house you must cover all the mirrors or their soul might get stuck in them...........when you are talking about something good that has happened ... you knock on wood demons and such are believed to hide in the wood of a house and if they hear of something good happening they will try their best to ruin it therefore you knock on the wood to let them know you are aware that they are there and so they cant hear what you said.........go figure.....if you spill the salt throw some over your shoulder to break the bad luck..........if a black cat crosses your path turn around most people think the cat is bad luck actually the black cat is good luck and it is trying to inform you of impending danger hence you must turn around...or at the very least draw a circle put an X in it and then spit in it to break the bad luck...of course.....during the inquisition they would cast the souls of witches into cats...thats where this comes from ....if a bird flies into your house someone is going to die........the bird is believed to carry the soul to heaven........if you believe one of your neighbors is a witch hang a silver above the door a witch cannot cross silver..... of course they cant cross salt either neither can spirits.......silver also works for avoiding curses.......you are supposed to pin a silver safety pin to your little kids clothes.....the reason you pinch a pretty babies face is so you do not inadvertently put a curse on the baby by commenting on its beuty im not real sure how this one works but it really is a superstition ..you should never live in a house where the front door faces the back door as all you good luck and money will come in through the front door and leave through the back door apparantly if the back door does not face the front door it cant find the way out....the reason we dress up scary on halloween is because its the one day a year that the dead and evil are allowed to reak havoc and walk the earth so if you dont stay in with your salt silver and whatever else ha ha then you are supposed to dress up as one of them so that they leave you alone thinking you are just one of them they can sometimes be appeased with treats...the supernatural apparantly have a real sweet tooth ........ hence trick or treat......well i could just go on and on with the popular ones but everyone knows them these are a few of the more weird ones i know of hope it helps.......good luck........no pun intented.....happy halloween to you.
2006-10-16 03:58:22
answer #1
answered by funkyk 3
(1) Step on a Crack, (in the sidewalk),break your mother's back.
(2) Splitting a pole. (You and someone walking on opposite sides of a utility pole.
(3) A Black Cat crossing your path will bring bad luck.
(4) Breaking a mirror: 7 years bad luck.
(5) Sneezing 3 times will give you a heart attack.
(6) Don't wash your hair when your on your period (duh!).
(7) Cooking "Black-eyed Peas" or Cabbage,on "New Years Day" will bring good luck and money,for the rest of the year.
(8) Throwing out Disposible Diapers (directly into the trash can,without putting them in a separate bag),will give a baby a diaper rash.
(9) It's Raining,but the Sun is Shining bright?. The Devil is beating his wife.
(10) A child who has seen Santa Claus putting presents under the Christmas tree,will recieve "Rocks" instead of toys.
(11) Friday the 13th: "Bad Luck Day"
(12) A Guest at a Wedding wearing "Black" means the Bride will become a Widow in 7 years.
2006-10-16 03:47:01
answer #2
answered by Squeakers 6
An acorn at the window will keep lightning out.
If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have.
If you make a bedspread, or a quilt, be sure to finish it or marriage will never come to you.
If a bee enters your home, it's a sign that you will soon have a visitor. If you kill the bee, you will have bad luck, or the visitor will be unpleasant.
If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff you will get your wish.
(For these, and MANY more go to the source.)
2006-10-16 03:20:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Indonesia - If you want it to rain pour water over a cat.
Caribbean - If you cut down a cotton tree imbue the tools with rum and blood. Cleane the spot also with rum and blood.
English (Western) - If a bird flies into a window something bad is going to happen (more than likely, death).
English (Western) - Friday is "devil's day", thirteen is an unlucky number, nothing worse than Friday 13.
British - A horseshoe over the door is good luck, if it turns the wrong way around your luck as ran out.
English (Western) - Seven years bad luck to break a mirror.
2006-10-16 03:30:15
answer #4
answered by vividtoy 2
After spilling salt, take a pinch of it and through it over your left shoulder. According to the superstition, it will ward off evil spirits that werer drawn to the spilt salt in the first place.
It's unlucky to step into a "fairy ring" of mushrooms, because it gives the fairies leave to kidnap you. If that does happen, according to the superstition, do not eat, drink or dance with them, or you'll be their captives for the rest of your life.
2006-10-16 03:48:26
answer #5
answered by estudent 3
Right after midnight on New Years night, you open the window to let out the old year and then a dark haired male (who was prepared and kicked outside before midnight) knocks on your door. You open the door to let in the new year and welcome the person who is bearing fuel (Used to be a log or piece of coal), a piece of food and a bottle of Scotch. This person, your "first foot" assures the house of having good luck fuel, food and drink all year long.
2006-10-16 04:00:45
answer #6
answered by kellring 5
stepping on a crack breaks your mothers back
breaking a mirror brings 7 years bad luck
bad luck for a groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding
Friday The 13th is a bad luck day -- the number 13 in general
2006-10-16 03:14:16
answer #7
answered by Marvin R 7
When you get a shiver it's because someone walked across your grave.
Saying God Bless you after a sneeze.
Banging pots and pans on midnight on new Year's eve
Eating black eyed peas and pork on New Year's Day
2006-10-16 03:14:15
answer #8
answered by answerlady1021 4
Walking under a ladder
having a black cat to stroll pass you
throwing salt over your left shoulder after spilling it.
2006-10-16 03:10:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
In Hawaii there's a troop of ghostly warriors marching along the beaches, and if they catch you looking at them you will have to get in line and march forever with them.
2006-10-16 07:46:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous