I have been following the story of Pat Tillman the ex-NFL player who was killed by friendly fire in Iraq, They just had a peice about him on Sportscenter and his fellow soldiers said that they were told by the Govt to keep thier mouths shut about it,even though they knew that he wasn't killed by the terrorist and it was friendly fire that killed him. Why couldn't the Govt just tell the truth in the first place..I mean 3 investigations later and we find out they lied to us yet again. I know that propaganda probably played a huge role in it but doesn't it make things alot worse when we find out that it was just a huge coverup? What does everyone else think about this?
7 answers
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Politics & Government
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They told them to remain quiet about the fact that they knew he wasn't killed by terrorists and they still went ahead and said that during his funeral. They wanted to use the story as propaganda to get people to sympathize with the cause.
03:33:01 ·
update #1