Buy her a home pregnancy test. Be there when she takes the test. Show her you are there for her no matter the results of the test. If she is pregnant then you need to tell her how you feel about the situation. Let her know you are there for her.
2006-10-16 01:47:43
answer #1
answered by Keith Perry 6
First find out if she is pregnant, go and get a test from the pharmacy or drug store, if it's positive she needs to go to the doctor and have a blood test to be sure. You need to be there for her and help her make decisions about what you should do. How old are you? Are you in a position to raise the child or is adoption a good option for you? Give a few more details and I may be able to help.
Feel free to email me through my avatar, I have experience with the situation...and I will not push religion or ideology on you, but i may be able to offer suggestions and places where you can receive help.
2006-10-16 01:49:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wow! Are you for real?!!?? I guess it depends on how old you are. If you can't live together, just be her friend. It's really scary being pregnant when you're too young or didn't plan on it. Expect her to have mood swings - the hormone changes do that to every woman to some extent. She'll test you - a woman wants to be absolutely convinced her man is tough enough to be a dad. So be prepared to be tough - just keep chanting to yourself "It's just the hormones, it's just the hormones". Pregnancy is a world. It can be very overwhelming. Good luck and again, it's stunning to hear the boyfriend jump up for duty. Good for you!
2006-10-16 01:51:36
answer #3
answered by Miz Teri 3
Buy a home pregnance test to confirm her beliefs to find out so she can immediately start taking better care of her body for her baby. Good luck, and congrats if she is knocked up! :)
2006-10-16 01:46:58
answer #4
answered by Shining Ray of Light 5
First off all make sure she is pregnant
And if she is be supportive loving and caring
And financially supportive
good luck to you and her!
2006-10-16 01:48:52
answer #5
answered by cottencandy2391 2
Stay with her through everything, doctors appointments , ultra sounds , scans, prenatal classes the lot.
She is probably worried that you will panic and leave her. You need to sit her down and tell her this is your baby too and you have no intention on leaving either of them.
2006-10-16 01:48:00
answer #6
answered by specs appeal 4
Be supportive take the test together and discuss the outcome positive or negative
2006-10-16 02:10:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Give her emotional support and be there for her- and find out if she is pregnant for sure- and know what causes that - D
2006-10-16 01:47:58
answer #8
answered by Debby B 6
well first off be there for her and forget the she thinks shes pregnant go get tested ! and hun if she isn't remember this little saying !!! NO AFFECTION WITHOUT PROTECTION ... best of luck to you both ... El
2006-10-16 01:49:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You think she is pregnant? have you guys been to the doctor to get a bloodtest done yet?
be there for her if she is pregnant .....
2006-10-16 01:46:54
answer #10
answered by silverearth1 7