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When people speak of diversity, it is only ever in the most praiseworthy terms. No one ever questions whether it is good, it is simply accepted, like a religious truth, without question and without thinking, to be good.

No one considers the fact that the more diversity you have, the greater amount of mistrust you have, even among those within the same group. You have less community cohesion. You have of a sense of identity. You have more violence. And the most diverse societies also have more conflict and war. When was the last time Iceland had a civil war? For an example of the strife caused by diversity, look at Sri Lanka.

2006-10-15 21:47:29 · 15 answers · asked by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 in Politics & Government Politics

Correction: "You have of a sense of identity." should read "You have less of a sense of identity."

2006-10-15 21:48:33 · update #1

Laural, I'm not saying that. It's everywhere. It is like a propaganda loudspeaker that never shuts off, and blares its message from anything capable of carrying a message, from department store ads with little white girls always being paired up and holding hands with black boys. It is on the sitcoms. If you haven't heard it, you must live in a sensory deprivation chamber. And I'd say you are lucky.

2006-10-15 21:53:01 · update #2

JoJo, perhaps you have. Are you in the military?

2006-10-15 22:02:29 · update #3

15 answers

Good question.

It is one of the great lines of complete and utter horse hockey that they drill into people nowadays. As if it were possible to force people into racial harmony!

Diversity, in the manner in which it is being taught today, implies that the real value of any group of people is based on diversity -- because diversity is based not on any individual's character or ability or intelligence, but on a person's group identity. In other words, a person's group identity -- whether racial, gender-based, sexual orientation, or what have you -- means more in society than that individuals skills and qualifications.

Collectivism. Pfah! It ALWAYS leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

2006-10-15 22:24:45 · answer #1 · answered by Simon Templar 2 · 3 0

So what do you suggest? You can't help diversity it is a fact of life? Not just among humans, but all life. The strife in Sri Lanka is also about something more than just diversity. It is about population density which is problem. Have you ever seen Sri Lanka it is a little island, and it is over crowded. Just like its neighbor India (has the highest population in the world), and so the real question has really nothing to do with diversity. It does have something to do with over breeding, and coexsiting with the on going population problem...We are all different, and so diversity never can be a problem because even you make up this diversity. Only population denisty can be a problem because with the rise of human population boarders start to expand, and finding room to live day in and day out just becomes a problem. That's where conflict arises when there is simply no room for anyone anymore, and having a home is just not that simple.

2006-10-15 21:58:37 · answer #2 · answered by foxy 3 · 1 0

I have never really understood the point of diversity training. If it is to make us realise that we are all different, it is pointless, because that is obvious. If it is to make us accept all things as equally worthy it is nonsense - let's take religion for instance.

Christianity, pure and simple, is a great concept. Love your neighbour, lead a good life, peace and goodwill to all men etc etc. However, put Catholics and Protestants together in Northern Ireland and BOOM. So we don't have to accept ALL Christianity as good.

Islam? The same argument applies. Good, harmonious, peace-loving Muslims; great. Islamic fundamentalists? Bad.

Homosexuals? Mmm. I agree that we must accept them; that they have the same propensity to be good or bad as straight people. However, once you start to be told that what they do is "Normal" you run into difficulties. It most certainly is NOT normal behaviour and never will be.

The real truth of diversity is coming home to roost with the ridiculous arguments about the veil. The problem quite obviously is that, if you take diversity to such an extreme that you choose to dress in a way that permanently excludes you from the host country's way of life, you are SO diverse that what you are doing is unacceptable.

That seems so clear that I fail to see how you can argue against it. (And no, it ISN'T compulsory - look at any news clip of Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangaldesh - you rarely, if ever, see women wearing the full veil.)

Finally, Foxy, India is second after China in the list of most populated countries in the world. And if you believe that Sri Lanka has a high population density at 304 per sq km, look at England - 383 people per sq km. So we will be able to blame that when the "Rivers of Blood" (Enoch Powell, 1968) start to flow.

2006-10-16 00:25:32 · answer #3 · answered by Essex Ron 5 · 1 0

Diversity in general is a good thing, and on the contrary it does not lead to violence. Violence comes when a certain group of people try to push others to believe in their ideas and attitudes with attacks and without persuasion.

When people seek different things, this means that they have an identity and more importantly they will not fight all the time for the same thing. Imagine a situation where all the world love to eat certain type of food and there is not enough supply of it. People will surely fight each other to have it, and those who are week will not be able to have it and they will starve to death. Also, if we all have the same attitude towards everything like if all men love blonde women what will the other women do.

I think diversity is very good, and on the whole it is not absolute diversity because we - human beings - share certain ideas together and we find it great to find someone who shares the same ideas with you.

If there was no diversity the world will be dull and unbearable.

2006-10-15 22:19:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


Diversity causes numerous problems. In any homogenous society, people tend to look the same and like the same things. The danger is that when we live in a TOTALLY homogenous society, we can become intolerant of anything that is different.

Living in a DIVERSE society like South Africa, one is constantly aware of differences in groups and cultures, and the need to take cognisance of such differences.

There is also many sthrenghts that lies in a diverse society.

I would not like to live in a more homogenous society, but I agree with the questioner that things like cohesion, identity etc is MUCH easier with society that is less diverse.

Good question. We must consider this type of thing.

2006-10-15 22:45:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Like anything else take diversity in moderation.
Religious Truth....yours is fine for you ...don't force it on me
I will do the same.
Do you think Iceland is completely free of hate? murder? crime?
Look instead at Switzerland and Italy.
In 500 years the swiss have no had internal wars, the result :
Cheese , Cuckoo Clocks , Yodeling.
In the same 500 years, the Italians have had very little peace.
The result : Art , Music , Literature , Science and Trade with
the rest of the world.
Life full of diversity can broaden your mind, but is inherently
Life without diversity is just as dangerous in another way,
it limits your understanding of others.

2006-10-15 23:06:30 · answer #6 · answered by Farnham the Freeholder 3 · 1 0

diversity is a tool the marxist communists are using to destroy america. if it is such a wonderful thing, why is it not enforced in non white non western countries??

you'll never hear a liberal complain about china having too many orientals. or mexico having too many latinos. or kenya having too many blacks. or the middle east having too many arabs.

you'll also never hear a liberal complain that there aren't enough whites in inner city or barrio schools.

the whole purpose of diversity is to alienate americans from each other and cause culture clashes. let's face it. you can't have a successful society of people where some believe women should be covered head to foot while others believe women have the right to walk around half naked.

the truth is the leftists know it won't work. that's why they have tricked us into thinking it is the best thing since sliced bread. but what they won't tell you is that the non whites who they want to force us to live with don't share their "all for one and one for all" mentality. they want america all to themselves and want to change it to their liking.

remember what the nazi josef goebbles said. "if you tell a big enough lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually accept it as truth".

2006-10-15 22:09:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Have you ever had a plan in your head which felt fool-proof but when you examined it with other people, they showed you all the faults which you didnt see before?

That is a simple example of the power of diversity. Its about different points of views on any given topic. Its the joining of cultures, societies & methods to come to the best conclusions.

2006-10-15 21:52:38 · answer #8 · answered by Claude 6 · 1 0

I swear I've met you =] but if you've ever gone to any military briefings they talk of diversity as a bad thing. one (fight, squadron, base, military) not everyone See's it as good too many people with different ideas either open the eyes of the others or fight and get nothing done. it can go either way.
is the military comment that apparent =] how else do you acquire critical thinking skills =]

2006-10-15 21:57:12 · answer #9 · answered by JoJo 2 · 1 0

I have been saying that for the last 2 years, diversity sucks! People recognize differences and thus prevent growth together. Diversity hurts everyone and helps no one. Hitler recognized diversity.

2006-10-16 00:06:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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