and i am paying a huge rent for a crap room due emgencey.. i dont have any opctions but to stay with dam for another two weeks.. yesterday one lady said something which really hurt me.. dam i shout at dam.... but the women who said that to me.. not aplogise to me... i am realy angery? wht i am have to do?
11 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
i dont have any probs with my spelling .. but have a prob with my typing.. and i do have a education.. with advance diploma in hospitality managment..... thx
17:04:29 ·
update #1
thx for all the answers. but i am not in australia for the moment. i am in srilanka.. i hate this life.. all the people live in australia is very lucky.. u have human rights... i will be back to oz soon till dan cheers
17:17:42 ·
update #2
Keep your mouth shut for two weeks. Bite down on your tongue until you see a row of little white spots from your teeth.
The old biddies are NOT going to change, are NOT going to learn any manners from you, and will gang up on you if you go on the warpath against one of them.
Temper, temper! It'll soon be November and you'll be out of that concentration camp. You can do it.
2006-10-15 16:57:01
answer #1
answered by urbancoyote 7
Rough situation. I've been in that boat, myself, albiet only with one old lady, not four.
Sleep at home as few of times as possible, come and go at hours you know no one will be there or be awake, stay at a friends when possible, and if you can tolerate it - sleep in your car on occasion.
Otherwise, if the ladies are just grumpy, doing something nice for them might soften them up - like buy a bag of groceries for them, like snacks, juices, etc. Offer to do something more than the chores they've given you.
2006-10-16 00:00:22
answer #2
answered by Knathan the Knight 3
If you are paying rent, you have the right to say something. If you think they will kick you out, then best to just hang out in your room and read or avoid the place the best you can. if you have the HUGE amount of rent you say you pay, then surely you can get another place. I dont know the whole story so cant really offer advice
2006-10-15 23:59:57
answer #3
answered by crimson_ghost03 2
You have my deepest sympathy. I have one old cranky one across the street who lives in her own little perfect world, pitiful really.
Exercise patience and perfect manners. It will be over soon. You just wound up in the wrong place I assure you. Had you gone to my mother's place she would have treated you like a King because she was easy going and would have loved your company and would have wanted to know all about you and your life history and served you great coffee and fine cooking and just enjoyed the pleasure of your company.
2006-10-16 00:04:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Older people, esp. ladies, are really set in thier ways. Just be polite, yes mam, no mam, and try to do something kind to show you are thankful for staying there, even if you paying up the hooha for it. Don't act like your avoiding them, but try to.
Don't know if this helps...I know I may not get along with everybody, but I can politely tolerate them.
2006-10-15 23:58:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
there is no excuse for rudeness, and the woman should have apologized to you. just think, you'll be outta there in 2 weeks. just put up with them until then - obey their rules (shouldn't be too difficult for only 2 weeks) and try to be nice to them.
2006-10-15 23:55:47
answer #6
answered by mighty_power7 7
no matter the emergency you are in you need to be patient and try to get along and try to be thankful you have a place to stay. remember the weakest of the weak get angry, and the smart and strong have friends, :)
2006-10-15 23:56:48
answer #7
answered by 4
Maybe take them out to dinner and a movie.
2006-10-16 00:44:01
answer #8
answered by Annmaree 5
Find another place to live, if ya don't like it.
2006-10-16 00:31:25
answer #9
answered by annastasia1955ca 6
practice chilling out for two weeks . . .
2006-10-15 23:55:26
answer #10
answered by a_blue_grey_mist 7