i am absolutely repulsed and disheartened by the amount of hate and stupidity on these forums.
i think it is extremely unwise on the part of yahoo! to provide a service where people can freely post hate-mongering, violence-promoting messages.
people will always act like idiots under the veil of internet anonymity, this i know. but the fact that people's questions and answers are posted immediately, in large part unmonitered and unregulated, is just a bad idea. most of the ideas promoted in these hateful messages wouldn't even be allowed to exist as a website, so why should the same idea be permitted in this forum?
i have seen more racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia and just plain hate here in 2 weeks than i have seen in my entire life. and i've seen some bad stuff.
i'm thoroughly disgusted, yet feel even more strongly now that i should be out there in the world, teaching people about oppression/hate, and how to make the world a more tolerant place.
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