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how comm there isent anny girl reff's in hockey or eaven announcers? i find that not fair, i no u guys that r reading this r probably laughing but girls no asmuch about hockey as guys like im a huge hockey senators fan i no every thing about the team more then any guys i no?? SPezza ROcks >>> www.gosensgo-ilovespezza.piczo.com <<<

2006-10-15 08:50:32 · 5 answers · asked by thalia b 1 in Sports Hockey

5 answers

There are lots
Cammi Granato has worked hockey for NBC (USA)
Hayley Wickenheiser has worked hockey games for NBC (USA) and CBC (Canada)
and recently, CBC Sports has hired Cassie Campbell to a 1 year contract to do bench and colour commentary during Hockey Night in Canada telecasts

Also, during the 2002 and 2006 Winter Olympics, Canadian TV had a former National Coach of the Women's team doing announcing (I can't remember her name but she's a former police officer as well)

2006-10-15 11:11:59 · answer #1 · answered by Canadian Biology Man 4 · 0 0

That's right Cassie Campbell worked the colour commentary spot on HNIC this past Saturday beside Bob Cole. Seems Harry Neale got snowed under in Buffalo. Guess you could say it's a case of women trying to make their mark in a male dominated profession/job/career or whatever.

To oldtomato: What passes for English may be excused as thalia b is a self-confessed sens fan. I send my condolence now before the season is 10 games old.

2006-10-18 12:25:03 · answer #2 · answered by couponlew 1 · 0 0

There are plenty of female announcers and they seem to do a fine job.
Female refs may have a tougher time because of the physicality of the men's game. Notice the size of most officials in the NHL.
By the way, next time you want to broadcast your illiteracy to the entire planet via the Internet, let the concussion from the puck to head heal and use the spell check button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-16 06:12:26 · answer #3 · answered by bigggmatt 2 · 1 0

I think if a woman tried to get a job as a ref she'd better able to handle being accidentally hit by those guys. If a woman wanted to be an announcer, I suppose she'd have to apply for it just like everybody else.

2006-10-15 09:01:09 · answer #4 · answered by greylady 6 · 0 0

OMG...Is this English?

2006-10-16 08:55:22 · answer #5 · answered by oldtomato 3 · 1 0

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