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My husband and I have been married for 6 years and have been together for 8 years in total. In that time I feel we haven't moved ahead in our life together - we haven't bought a falt/house, we haven't started a family and we don;t share a lot of common activities (other than weekly shopping or family does)- mainly because my husband doesn't feel ready to or want to do these things. As I do, I feel really frustrated as he never wants to talk about it. Every time I try to talk to him it's always a bad time. We are planning to migrate however as that could take several years I don;t think it is a good enough reason to hold off moving forward in our life. I'm starting to get really stressed about it and don't know if it is a bad sign for how he feels about us and our future. So should I be worried?

2006-10-15 06:19:37 · 5 answers · asked by misscynic 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

5 answers

There ought to be some forward progress after 6 years of marriage. Talk to your husband about it.....there is NEVER a good time for this kind of talk...but better now than later. If you can't find a reasonable solution to your concerns, then you need to explore your other options. Best of Luck!

2006-10-15 06:24:11 · answer #1 · answered by olderbutwiser 7 · 0 0

Well the thing you should worry about is why he doesn't want to talk to you after being with him all these years? Something doesn't sound right to me. Have you tried writing him a letter to let him know how you feel about things. Let him know you need some kind of answer and reasons. Not just a stock answer in I am not ready. You need to really talk together and spend some time alone. Are you close in other areas of your life? What type of work does he do? Is he unhappy in any areas of his life? Stress? Depression in hubby? Let him know what you are wanting out of life and see how you can work on doing that together. I wish you the best. I can't really give anymore adive without knowing more details. He sounds almost depresssed and not happy with your lives or just too conmfortable?

2006-10-15 13:29:17 · answer #2 · answered by hehmommy 4 · 0 0

I agree with you 6 years is a long time. My husband and I have been married one year and we are looking into starting a family and buying a house. I think what you need to do is talk to you husband and tell him what you think about this situation and if he doesn't want to move on. I think it's time to talk about a new husband

2006-10-15 13:34:07 · answer #3 · answered by ~* Pink Princess *~ 3 · 0 0

why did you marry this guy? Did he say he wanted to buy a house and have children? Some people just dont see a need to change or move on, they are happy with things the way they are. If he doesnt want to talk about it, he doesnt want to change. Once kids and house come into the picture, leaving you will be much more messy, but dont count on that saving things, unwanted kids WILL drive him away if he isnt ready for them.

2006-10-15 13:31:59 · answer #4 · answered by rand a 5 · 0 0

Perhaps a professional opinion is what you both need, to resolve an issue that apparantly you both dont see eye to eye on.

2006-10-15 13:32:54 · answer #5 · answered by iyamacog 7 · 0 0

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