First I would recommend that you spend some time researching before you ask such a question. Muslims do not consider Christians as infidels. What you are referring to is the mantra that is used by the RADICAL Muslim community just as you have the RADICAL Christian community (i.e. Pat Robertson and company).
Even with that, the focus is not with Christians but with the STATE institutions (governments and societies) that parade the guise of Christianity yet function in a completely hypocritical manner.
Let me pose some straight forward examples that any Redneck can grasp.
(1) Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
" When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve...........We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...."
Now these words are quite clear and form the foundation for our government. The remaining Federalist Papers, Constitution and other documents support the fact that a strong religious and spiritual infrastructure helped to frame our country, Yet the behavior of the many generations of people and government that came after did not subscribe to these principles which supports the hypocritical stature that other view.
For example : How can the mass genocide of the American Indian be supported by such a government? What about slavery? Jim Crow in the 50's and 60's?
(2) Global Warming
Even today there is a split amongst the Evangelical Christians over this issue. If you go back to the Old Testament, Man is here to care for the earth. It is the only home that we have for now and we would be hard pressed to find another today if an ELE were to occur. Yet there are those that refuse to admit that something has to be done to be more responsible for our own sake and can only see the green backs that line their pockets by poisoning the earth. Now before you accuse me of being a tree hugger, I do feel that we should have commerce and make as much money as we can but we should do it responsibly and care for our resources.
If you had a child and gave him a plate of food and sat him in the floor to enjoy his meal, you would be horrified to turn around to see him soiling his plate and then about to eat the rest of his meal.
It is this type of behavior that the Radical Muslims are referring to. They are NOT right in their behavior and two wrongs don't make a right but as an avid hunter, one of the first lessons that my Dad and Gramps taught me was NOT to corner a wild animal. Their natural behavior is to run but when they feel threatened and now way out, they will attack you with everything that they have and will die trying.
Now on to the religious part......
It is not about being friends but it is about being brothers. If you spend a little bit of time researching, you will find that Islam did not begin with Mohammad but it actually pre-dates it by quite a bit. It was not called Islam but it is the brother/sister religion to Judaism. Both are very much rooted in "The Law" of God and have low tolerance for hypocritical behavior. Christianity comes from the Jewish side of the family and brings with it "The Promise and Grace".
Even with that, Christian hand are not blood free with the Crusades and the genocide against the Coptic Christians.
It is my prayer that one day the "Family" will be put back together and if you are a Christian, then I would suggest that you read your Bible and hold true to the principles that are set forth within.
It is not easy to do but nothing worth while really is. Help be part of the solution instead of continuing to perpetuate the problem.
Do the RIGHT thing!
Peace and Blessings my Brother
2006-10-15 04:17:19
answer #1
answered by eUNIX 2
You are wrong. I'm christian, and i have absolutely no hatred towards muslims. Of, course, we don't believe what the other believes, but that's no reson to say that we think the other is lower than we are. I think that any person that claims to be christian and hates other people in different religions is not following Christ very well. All people are equal and make mistakes, and all fall short of God's perfection. That's what we believe towards homosexuals, muslims, and any other people we have supposedly "hated." As for what the Pope said, that was blown way out of proportion. He was quoting from a hater of muslims and saying to other christians how we shouldn't do the same. Then the media found the quote and... well, you know the rest.
2006-10-15 03:38:30
answer #2
answered by questionner 3
Christians are NOT considered infidels. Groups like al-Qaeda and the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia even consider other Muslims infidels. But for the mainstream, in the whole of Islamic history, Christians and Jews are Ahl al-Kitaab, "People of the Book". In the Qur'an and in the Hadith they are to be protected. Look at the treatment of Christians and Jews in Muslim Spain compared to the Jews' treatment in Christian Spain (inquisition). While Jews and differing Christian sects were persecuted in Europe, they enjoyed freedom under Islam. They were allowed their own legal systems set up by their respective faiths.
Muslims and Christians DO and HAVE gotten along for hundreds of years. Today there are Christian populations all throughout the Muslim world, living side-by-side with Muslims. Saying that they could never get along because of the propoganda of some extremists is like saying Catholics and Protestants could never get along based on what extremists in Northern Ireland say.
*Muslims also believe in Isa (Jesus), but as a Prophet and a Messenger*
2006-10-15 03:35:52
answer #3
answered by m collins 2
The actual blief is that every person who is Christian or Jewish is Muslim because it is the last religion sent from God. And every person that which does not deny God is considered equal for we believe in the same God. Infidel only means non Muslim.
2006-10-15 03:34:35
answer #4
answered by e-pack 3
You know, I've seen a lot of similarities between Christians and Muslims, but two irreconciliable issues stand out in my mind (see source on the following). As infidels, Christians are considered by the Koran to be worse than the dogs (the worst insult/status in Islam) and fit for either slavery or death depending on their willingness to "submit" to Islam. A Muslim friend from Egypt (Achmed) confessed that Jews and Christians are both in a very precarious positions in that they both follow doctrines which are not in harmony with Islam and therefore must be cleansed by pain. Jews have committed unforgivable sins in their "transgressions" against Islam, and Christians will be held equally accountable for their support of Israel. According to my friend, Achmed, Jews cannot be trusted for a VERY long time and they should be pushed back into the sea, anhilated from the face of the map. He says that these feelings are very common among all of the Muslims that he knows in Egypt (which is supposed to be a very moderate Islamic state). My observations of Islamic reactions to various events across the globe and throughout the decades seems to confirm those feelings.
The saving grace of Islam is the tolerance of many of her followers in loving Christians and Jews despite the doctrine and propaganda used by Islamic leaders to easily and effectively advance their own extremism and power. So we can be friends after we agree that the doctrine must be moderated to respect each other's freedoms, sovereignties, and philosophies.
Personally, I am willing to be friends with any Muslim who renounces both hatred and violence toward Christians and Jews (and all other people), especially including acts of terrorism (especially Al Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc), Palestinian "resistance," and militant actions regarding the State of Israel or the US prosecution of the War on Terror. In short, they must establish strict allegiance to individual freedom bound by equality and respect without exception for any group of people.
BTW, those who claim that Muslims consider Jesus as a prophet really throw me for a loop, because they don't seem to buy into any of His fundamental teachings that He is the Savior of the World, the Son of God, even God the Son, the only way back to the Father, the Redeemer, the Resurrection, etc. etc. Christ left no ambiguity in his claim to the divine throne of Godhood, the King of both Heaven and Earth, and in his call to all to be baptised in his name as the only route to salvation and exaltation with the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.
2006-10-15 15:11:57
answer #5
answered by Andy 4
Calling Christians infidels is like referring to the French as "surrender monkeys." It's pointless and childish. The secret to getting along is to respect one another's beliefs and be tolerant of such.
2006-10-15 03:35:51
answer #6
answered by whtknt 4
As an Atheist, I think you are all silly for believing in pretend sky friends. However I have muslim friends and xian friends and buddist friends and jewish friends.
The only people I'm not friends with are people that wear purple viking helmets. You want to know why?
I so totally don't believe in purple viking helmets and the people that wear them.
See how religon works now?
2006-10-15 03:28:17
answer #7
answered by SpankyTClown 4
Really?? I dont feel that way.
Christian is a religion established by Jesus Christ, and we all know that he is our prophet. So why should I hate someone who follows the teachings of one of our prophets.
Ya seriously how can muslims and christians be friends, if people like you post such questions and infuriate us?????
2006-10-15 03:31:36
answer #8
answered by Tushi K 2
That sounds a lot like many christians views atheists. Could you ever be friends with an atheist?
2006-10-15 03:36:56
answer #9
answered by ycantibu1 1
um thats not true b/c i have best friends that are chistians and i dont think im better then them just b/c im muslim
2006-10-15 03:28:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous