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2006-10-14 19:19:44 · 1 answers · asked by bik k 2 in Sports Hockey

1 answers

Is tarted scouting for the Chicago Black Hawks in the late 60s earning $6800/yr. I retired from scouting in the mid 90s making $25K a year.

NHL teams have very few full-time scouts, they have 2-3 and the rest are part-time. A full-time scout makes between $60K and $250K a year depending on the team (some teams pay more than others). Part-time scouts generally get 25K or less and have other jobs.

Let's take the Buffalo Sabres as an example. They have 1 full-time scout in Jon Christiano, he's an experienced hockey man. Played professional hockey in the 80s and was a coach for Buffalo's AHL affiliate for several years.

They have several part-time scouts
1. Bo Berglund - played in the NHL with Quebec and Minnesota in the 1980s
2. Kevin Devine - played several years in the WHA and 2 games for the Islanders
3. Yuri Khmylev - holder of an Olympic Gold Medal and played for Buffalo in the 90s
4. Paul Merritt - years of scouting and coaching experience
5. Darryl Plandowski - played college hockey before coaching in the Western Hockey league

Most scouts (2/3 of the current scrop) have played professional hockey at some level somewhere in the world, Of the rest, most have played junior or college and have considerable coaching experience.

2006-10-15 08:25:46 · answer #1 · answered by Like I'm Telling You Who I A 7 · 5 0

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