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2006-10-14 15:53:49 · 22 answers · asked by idunno 1 in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

Yes.But no Maternity Leave with pay.

2006-10-14 16:24:21 · answer #1 · answered by Dr.O 5 · 0 2

It makes me laugh to hear that marriage is a religious rite.
What century was that in?
The Church fought hard to not be involved in a Secular activity until they realized how much political power could be harvested by approving or blocking royal weddings in the dark ages. Church marriages were not for commoners until well into the 15th century.
It was the responsibility of the local lord or tax collectors to record them before that.
Should gays marry, well why not? they have that privelidge in Canada and the world has not collapsed on itself.
Only a few hateful little extremist sects seem to even care about it. Most of them live in Red Deer AB
The Churches are screaming about they shouldn't be forced to marry them, but the Churches never have been forced to marry anybody.
Catholics do not perform wedding ceremonies for Anglicans or Methodists and never likely will.
And the marriage certificate is a Legal Government Document not a religious tract. Secular not religious.

2006-10-14 23:41:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, those people that are against don't have any facts that it will ruin our country. Most of them are against for religous reasons but the bible shouldn't be involved in politics. As you look at your answer you'll find that people against gays are going to use religion or be hateful in referring to gays. They are narrow minded and they discriminate only because of sexual orientation.

2006-10-18 20:00:27 · answer #3 · answered by cynical 6 · 0 0

Paul Martin and his immoral Liberals forced gay marriage on Canada, against the majority's wishes in 2005. Now gay marriage is already considered entrenched and untouchable in law, despite the Conservatives now being in power. They couldn't get rid of it if they tried without causing gay extremists to explode into violence. Gay extremists are already moving on, pushing to make it illegal to publicly criticize homosexuality, even in churches. Don't make the same mistake, America.

2006-10-14 23:16:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No. Marriage has a Religious connection. Homosexuals should be allowed to have Civil Unions and rights as those who are Married. Keep Religion out of it, let them have a Civil Union through our legal system.

2006-10-14 23:03:51 · answer #5 · answered by Enterrador 4 · 2 2

The real question is why are people so freaked out by the idea of any two people getting married ? Yes, they should have the right. Good Luck ! :)

2006-10-14 23:10:10 · answer #6 · answered by tysavage2001 6 · 0 2

marriage is a religious thing. marriage is the joining of a man and women that are in love and have the ability to procreate. they are entitled to have some kind of civil recognition as partners in life but not as a married couple.

2006-10-14 23:06:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Separation of church and state means leave religious beliefs out of law! we all don't have the same religious beliefs, so lets not push church morals on absolutely everyone.

Let gay people marry or have a civil union--whatever you want to call it!

2006-10-14 23:13:16 · answer #8 · answered by saoirse49326 1 · 1 2

Absolutely NOT! Same Sex Marriage is FORBIDDEN in the Holy Bible and Marriage is between a man and a woman not between two men or two women.

2006-10-14 23:09:02 · answer #9 · answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 · 2 1

Why would anybody want to get married? Being single is FREE. Date whoever you want when you want.

2006-10-15 00:20:58 · answer #10 · answered by gates_goins 2 · 0 0

Marriage is a privilege, not a right.

2006-10-14 23:20:29 · answer #11 · answered by Kelly T 4 · 1 0

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