In your case, it should be: "I dont know how to spell."
2006-10-14 15:33:17
answer #1
answered by lucyanddesi 5
That's really a nasty question. What the hell are you supposed to say, "I come in late a lot?" Why would you hurt yourself here, the whole point is to sell your strengths.
Anyone asking this question is a dork; there are 1,000 better questions to ask. The proper retort is "If you're a manager and get paid so much, why can't you think of better questions?" PS Don't say that.
So tell him you get into chocolate a lot or root for the Cubs. If he presses tell him you're a professional and get advice & feedback from your manager often to avoid letting any weaknesses get in the way of job performance. Since you've been doing that, no weaknesses have been able to develop into problems.
Sorry to go on; that question is a pet peeve of mine. Good for you to prepare yourself for interview questions.
2006-10-14 15:45:09
answer #2
answered by n0witrytobeamused 6
I would try re-casting my strength as a weakness. In my own particular case, one of my strengths is the ability to define problems in such a way as to make a solution accessible. In other words, I can see problems and devise strategies for addressing them. That is also a weakness, however, because it means that I can sometimes see problems where other people do not. Normally, this is a sign of clear-sightedness. Once I point out the problem, everyone can see it. At its worst, however, this ability can sometimes be seen as "fault-finding".
It is usually true that our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses. If you're looking for a weakness, look at your strengths in a different way.
2006-10-14 17:06:00
answer #3
answered by Larry Powers 3
That would probably guarantee you a job around here. Lots of pirate activities in these waters, and ECU, home of the Pirates, is not too far from here. There's a million restaurants and shops with a pirate theme. There's even a pirate themed Chinese restaurant. Silly Asians.
2016-03-28 09:40:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Mention something you have already noticed and started to improve:
"Something that I used to struggle with is (organization). I realized that this was holding me back when I forgot to (blah blah blah), which was very important. So I (bought a palm pilot/calendar/etc.), and I have made a real effort since then to (keep better track of my appointments). Everyone has something which does not come naturally to them, but I keep working on this because it makes my life run much more efficiently."
Do NOT mention things like anger or other personality issues.
2006-10-14 17:32:37
answer #5
answered by sarcastro1976 5
Try to name a weakness that could in some cases be considered a strength. For instance, you could say your weakness is being a bit of a perfectionist. Or you could give a weakness that was a problem in the past, but tell how you've overcome it.
2006-10-14 16:45:43
answer #6
answered by Ginger/Virginia 6
"Thank you for asking the tough question. The area I am working hardest on is _____________. I've taken a class / talked with other people w/ similar position / read -bought a video series."
I think I would avoid mentioning a counselor at this point. It tends up negative impressions in some peoples' minds yet.
2006-10-14 15:33:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The best thing you can do is answer the question honestly. The only advice I can give is don't say "nothing". The only reason they are asking is to see if you can criticize yourself, they really don't care what the answer is, as long as you have one.
2006-10-14 15:45:54
answer #8
answered by Andy V 2
say something like I have a hard time saying no or i am too early everywhere i go. then explain yourself calmly and with a smile. say that because you do not like saying no, you always help your co workers out, help your boss, team ,etc. about the early part, say that you are also very reliable and always on time and dependable.
2006-10-14 16:49:55
answer #9
answered by EventNewYork 3
Just answer honestly, but remember, they only want to know your "business weaknesses", not any sort of personal neurosis that you carry with you. My personal weaknesses are that "I worry too much" and that "I don't like to make mistakes".
2006-10-14 15:33:43
answer #10
answered by nickdc1960 7
Always say, "Sometimes I can take on too many things at once because I get too energetic. I am working on better time management skills."
2006-10-14 15:32:31
answer #11
answered by Isis 7