Well.. my dad never wore his wedding ring until my mom left him for a boyfriend when i was 10. Then all of a sudden he was all about "saving the marriage" and magically felt inclined to put on his wedding ring. What a turd!(He was a horrible husband & kinda crazy too)
I would say either he feels guilty because he did something wrong and doesn't want his wife to figure it out (Or he really pissed her off!), or maybe he just came to his senses, or maybe she finally talked him into wearing it. Either way, it's a huge sign of disrespect not to wear your wedding ring. Glad I didn't marry someone like that!
2006-10-14 14:58:38
answer #1
answered by .*AnNa*. 3
There are a few possibilities Is your friends husband an american or is he originally from another culture? Different cultures wear it on different hands, many European countries and Russia for instance typically wear their wedding band on their right hand. Perhaps it fits better on the right hand? Uncommon but both fingers are not the same size, there is a little variation. Are his friends also married? If they're not he may feel a little out of place wearing it (as stupid as that sounds). Is he left handed? If he's left handed and does stuff like bowling, sports, or otherwise works with his hands and the ring doesn't fit right it may just be so he doesn't lose it. The last resort I could think of which I hope isn't true - he doesn't want others (mainly women) to know he is married. Though I think most men would just take the ring off, put it in a safe place then put it back on instead of changing hands.
2016-03-28 09:38:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It means nothing. Why are you trying to read more into it? If you know he's married, ring or not, it's hands off! Some guys don't wear it all the time because of their work - it can be dangerous. My husband lost two of them, so I said no way was I going to replace it again!
2006-10-14 14:49:42
answer #3
answered by Lydia 7
Most likely his wife is nagging him to wear it.
I haven't worn my wedding ring in over 12 yrs. I know I'm married & so does the little woman. Haven't worn it because it's a cheapie and irritates my finger AND I'm too cheap to buy another. I keep it on my keyring.
2006-10-14 16:27:42
answer #4
answered by Larry F 4
Perhaps his wife got tired of him not wearing it and told him just that. I would be very irritated if my husband chose not to wear his, especially if he were going out alone. I don't think it means too much or is a good or bad thing.
2006-10-14 14:49:10
answer #5
answered by piano4thesoul 1
My ex-husband NEVER wore his wedding ring. It irritated the heck out of me. When he found out that there was a man at work interested in me, he suddenly decided to wear it. Too little too late my friend. maybe he sound have wore it the whole time to show his commitment to me!
2006-10-14 14:49:59
answer #6
answered by kcastillo1220 2
Hmm, it depends.
Perhaps he was thinking about his wife and decided to put it on.
But, he should love wearing his wedding ring because it represents a commitment. If he's not wearing it, he's not taking part in his commitment & is leading people on to believe his marital status is single.
2006-10-14 14:49:29
answer #7
answered by ♪Msz. Nena♫ 6
what can be going on if he wears his band?....ummmm, nothing but a good thing. the fact you ask a silly question, makes me wonder your motivation behind this man you are obviously interested in. unfortunately for you, it's a real good thing that this man is wearing his wedding band.
2006-10-14 15:02:49
answer #8
answered by gurrrly 3
Maybe he's realized that he loves his wife, and wants the world to know it. Why does this concern you if he's not your husband? It sounds like you're interested in him, or maybe had an affair with him. It's best to leave it alone.
2006-10-14 16:02:02
answer #9
answered by Dawn 3
i think it is a disrespectful thing , for sure. sounds like he likes to look single for some reason or another, huh? both men an women should wear thier weddings always. not just on special occasions.
2006-10-14 14:47:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous