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I recently requested a floater holiday to go to the eye doctor (i have had a bump in my eye lid for like 4 months) it is not going away. This doctor does not have weekend hours (the only time i have off) and this manager gets all upset and goes on about how short handed we are, she turns around and gives another person the day off to study for her mid terms. I have worked in this place for 16 years, I have like 6 sick days, I have only used 2 of them.

2006-10-14 14:35:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

I requested the time off before the other person requested their time off.

2006-10-14 14:59:29 · update #1

12 answers

What if it's contagious? If you were to show everbody the bump everyday, they'd be BEGGING you to go get it fixed! Your manager has issues, like not being professional or having a brain. Put a Dilbert calendar on your desk; I have one and it makes me feel better. I have had bad bosses, and now I have a good one; they come and go.

Maybe you could transfer to another part of the company; 16 years is a long time to give up for some dork manager. Or if you have an HR department you could get some guidance there; they are sensitive to lawsuits and will tell you to go to the doctor.

If your manager punishes you in any way for getting medical attention, make her put it in writing and tell her you need it for your tort lawyer. That might wake her up.

You'll have to knuckle under a lot for this wench, but you can't let her deny you medical attention. If you were my wife or daughter, I'd go in and talk to this person about a lawsuit for her conduct; it is outrageous and unethical.

How many sick days has she taken?

2006-10-14 15:56:41 · answer #1 · answered by n0witrytobeamused 6 · 1 0

Did she give the day off shortly before you asked for your time off? It may be that someone complained because they had been denied and your manager had to justify her actions to a superior. You were the next dog along and so had to be kicked. As a former manager, my question to you would have been can you schedule your appointment for the beginning or end of the day so that you only need a few hours or half day?

Anyway, its done and don't dwell on it too much. There is always something going on in the upper offices that the working stiff has no idea of (and may not want to know about). A work location where the mushroom theory of management never rears its smelly head is called heaven.

2006-10-14 14:49:10 · answer #2 · answered by St N 7 · 0 0

Since you have worked at the same place for 16 years, you probably play an important roll at day to day operation. your manager might just be stressed about all the work needed to be done and didn't think about your needs right then. Maybe try to get as much done as you can before your day off, or take 1/2 day to see the doctor instead.

2006-10-14 14:52:53 · answer #3 · answered by tcow 1 · 0 0

This is a very difficult situation. If your cell phone is not provided by the company then you are under no obligation to turn over your phone records. Usually though, your cell phone Company has a record of every number you dialed, whether its another cell phone or land line (if you want proof that you called corporate or whatever). Document everything that happened, recalling dates and times. In the future, whenever you call someplace, even if you don't reach the person you called for, get the first name of the person you spoke to at least. If you live in an "at will" state, your company can fire you without cause. They can just terminate you. And I'm afraid after your suspension you will find yourself terminated anyway. Document, document, document...it's your own protection.

2016-03-28 09:24:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally, I wouldn't feel guilty. If you are allowed personal days, you should be allowed to take them when you need it. Franklly, when the manager started complaining, I would have said, "Look, I need to get to the eye doctor, but, if you like, I could take a 2 hour lunch hour and come back to work, if you don't want me to take a personal day." Alternatively, I'd have called it a sick day since you went to the doctor, I guess. You have to wonder why your manager wouldn't want to keep a 16 year veteran employee healthy and in good eyesight!!!

2006-10-14 14:49:00 · answer #5 · answered by Wiser1 6 · 0 0

That's odd. Most companies give their employees 10 sick days and 10 vacation days minimum. You're getting a raw deal. I suggest you look for work elsewhere. Perhaps that's why you're so short handed, your benefits suck.

In fact I intentionally schedule my doctor appointments during the week so I can miss work. I don't think there any labor that requires employers to give employees sick/holiday leave unless the work is under a federal contract.

You may to talk to your bosses boss and complain if you're not getting making any progress with your boss. What helps your case is the length of service, because the law makes it harder for companies to take personnel action against law term employees.

2006-10-14 14:56:48 · answer #6 · answered by dtshaff 3 · 1 0

I'm in a very similar work scenario. The issue I think with my boss and it could be the same with yours is that she's not only a control freak, she has favorites and NON-favorites. If you're not on her "list" you'll see marked differences in her treatment of and response to you and matters that concern you. Perhaps also she's somehow managed to get all of her outside work/personal items handled without people knowing she did it with a personal day. Maybe she's just a b****. Good luck though!!!!!!!

2006-10-14 14:52:38 · answer #7 · answered by Lori 2 · 2 0

Because she is forced to do what usually can not be done with the work force she is given. She is so stressed out that she appears to be a real B**** But she is just another gal trying to beat out an existence in this corporate world of cut throat business practices in this country. The Europeans work less, have about as much as we have, and get so much more vacation... But they never had the Rockefeller's, Vanderbilt's, and Morgans we had who worked the immigrants who were our forefathers into the ground to make their worlds of privilege and wealth similar to the Kings and Princes of Europe's earlier times. We have been designed primarily after the English system of business and laws. Look at the difference between them and the rest of Europe and see where we came from.

2006-10-14 14:47:33 · answer #8 · answered by arnp4u 3 · 0 2

Well did you tell him that you had the bump for 4 moths and well call in sick and get the eye doctor appointment

2006-10-14 14:47:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple .. ur manager is a *** jus get a new job .. u probobly have gd status and like experience caz u worked 16 yrs
gd luck =DD

2006-10-14 14:46:24 · answer #10 · answered by Pansy 1 · 0 0

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