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I need money, I have two children, I am currently taking classes in the evenings and work during the day. My credit is increasing by the day. I need make more money, but I don't have time during the day or night ti get a second job, What do I do????????

2006-10-14 14:28:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

7 answers

you are on the right track. stay in school. it will pay off for you. take one day at a time. raise your children the best you can. life it too short to worry about money. for that fact we all need more money. take it easy. live the best you can and for god sake love and care for your children. peace!!!

2006-10-14 14:33:32 · answer #1 · answered by susta1951 4 · 1 0

If you have a local bank acct.and you have been w/ them awhile you can get a credit card through them if your credit is good,if not and you own a vehicle outright you can get a secured loan and pay it off to build your credit. Another thing you may not know is that when you do your taxes make sure that you get the child tax credit you are due as well as head of household and you can claim child care too. While you are very busy working and going to school,see if your school has any ways of making extra money there such as bulletin boards or school papers.If you can squeeze it in your local newspaper may need help w/deliveries which only need to be done very early in the am for a couple of hrs. and you can really make decent cash doing this,or doing inserts in the factory where the papers are put together.depending on the age of your children you may be able to teach them to help such as you have a boy that is twelve or so and responsible enough,you can have him go through your neighborhood to see if he can do odd jobs to make his own money for treats.It is hard raising children on your own but I did it being a single Mom and it took 3 jobs ,school and alot of ambition!!And of course no sleep!!Just make sure that in between do a little for yourself! Take a day or even just an afternoon and get a babysitter and go to a game or the gym. If you don't keep some time for yourself you will go insane and take your kids w/ you!!If you can,and you have the items ,you can get w/ some neighbors and have a yard sale,get the kids to get their friends together and do a carwash.I know this is not the big money you are looking for but if money were that easy to get my dear,EVERYONE would have it!:) Like I said try w/ a small loan to get you started w/ your credit.Your bank is the best place to start.You can always find items you do not want and put them on e-bay,but it depends on how fast you need the money.Good Luck! I hope I have helped you some.I almost forgot the most important thing,try saving yourself some money in certain areas such as daycare if you need it.Try to find a neighbor or a responsible teen instead of an expensive day care,save on utilities by keeping lights off,or water by keeping tub&shower times short all the way to turning water off while brushing teeth instead of letting it run the whole time.Doing laundry once a week,coupons while shopping,going from brand names on alot of items unless of course the really bad generic brands of some things there is NO substitue for(LOL) and buy in BULK!!Meats mostly are the expensive items and plan meals. Crock pots are $ savers and life savers especially when you are always on the run! It also saves from buying out all the time! Pastas go a long way and you can do alot w/them as well as potatoes.Knowing where to shop is also a big help in savings! Every week they send ads in the mail.In some stores you can find things way less expensive than others.Wal-mart is great for gas.You save 3 cents per gallon by putting cash on a wal-mart card.If you can ,put 50$ a week or so and fill your tank @the gas station while you are there and then you will have your gas @the lowest rate when you need a fill up,and if you buy most of your non-perishables there you will get great deals but you can get some great deals at your grocers w/ the ads too so price shop and you will be surprised at the money you can save and if you are worried about the time to shop,let me tell you I shop @ Wal-mart superstores @5-6 am on Sun and there is NOBODY in that store so you can concentrate on what you need w/o all the insanity!!( I am giving my secret away!) If you need anything from the pharmacy and you have a walgreens or cvs,you can actually shop on line! You can look thru ads,fill scripts and pay online as well that way all you need to do is go and pick it up! I hope this helps a bit.Good luck again!

2006-10-14 22:17:50 · answer #2 · answered by kim.york 2 · 0 0

I thought the cashcrate answer was good. If it's free it's worth a shot. I was thinking about doing it but I don't per say 'need' the money. I'm a SAHM and substitute at the elementary school because I enjoy it. My husband has a good job so most of 'my' money goes to the organizations I'm involved in... i.e. Relay For Life, Boy Scouts, PTO and the Volunteer Fire Dept Ladies Auxiliary. SO anyway, if you do it, I would be willing to be a referral for you so maybe that would help out. contact me if you'd like.

2006-10-14 21:40:50 · answer #3 · answered by RelayLover 2 · 0 0

If you have access to a computer, try working from home via the internet. I know from experience that you can make money this way doing simple things that take hardly any time, and the best part is that the money goes directly into your banking account, and the better than that.....It's in the comfort of your own home.

2006-10-14 21:36:39 · answer #4 · answered by Ronnietn 1 · 0 0

Make sure you are getting the maximum tax advantages for the kids and schooling. Consider a part time business for additional tax credits that you can run in any spare time or depending on the age of the kids, let them run. A good book I found is "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" by Robert G Allen... pardon the library pun but CHECK IT OUT!!!

2006-10-14 21:52:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Join the club. I work 50 hours a week, take 14 hours a semester. There are a lot of churches that will help with food, that might take some financial burden. There are also programs that pay for utilities and help with rent. You should check into them.

Some places, like Wells Fargo, give student loans at 3%, and you can get 25,000 dollars. I didn't go this route, because I don't want to pay 75,000 dollars back at my age. If you are younger, you should consider it.

2006-10-14 21:37:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i here there's a job in Canada Ontario on upper James when i was on a trip

2006-10-14 21:40:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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